1000 Yard IBS Nationals



Have not seen an update since the posting about tires as the prize for the Nationals at Ohio this year. Any chance for more, and the latest info?
1000 Nationals

Tom, I haven't seen much on the Nationals.There are alot of inquiring minds at Williamsport,so you might want to post something soon.Is there an early resgistration form somewhere?
Check out the Ohio Club web site for pre registration form. also see the IBS web site -News, then click on "for upcoming featured events click here", then 2008 IBS Nationals click 1000yd Ohio 1000yd Club Oh 29August - 1 September

Ypu can down load the registration form at both sites.

thanks Lee

I'll pass the info on.I'm not a 100% sure if I can go,we'll see in a few weeks.Just haven't seen anything lately so I thought I'd ask.
Here's the entry form.

http://www.international-benchrest.com/ Club PDFs/08_Nats form.pdf

Not to speak out of school, but the payment penalty beginning a month ahead of the shoot seems a bit excessive to me. jmho. Especially considering there's only 3 days notice here about the shoot. At PA for the WO, we did that only for the last day entries. An easement on that might attract more entrants. Again, jmho.

Not sure what shooters are needing to know or up-dates they expect to see.
If you send me an e-mail or call or post your questions on here I will do my best to answer your questions ASAP.

As far as tires being "THE" prize they are just one of many we will have and I'm sure someone will appreciate them. One set for a car and one top of the line mud tire from Cooper sponsored by a local tire shop here in our home town. Lots of actions and barrels and certicates for chamber jobs, muzzle breaks etc. Typical prizes you normally see at a National Championship.
I know prizes are the main concern for most shooters from what I hear so we are doing are best.

There is info on our website as a couple of folks on the forum have pointed out and it's been there for sometime. Any other questions please ask ASAP.

We have only received a half dozen or so entry forms so far. I hope to see more soon so the "SHED" crew will have an easier job. Jeff, you can comment on that.

We are adding two more benches so we can shoot the "ALMOST" a mile match without slowing down the match. So those who want to shoot that bring extra ammo. Two shooters every relay bench M1 and M2. Cost for mile match is $30 and it will be a two target agg.

The Nationals is a "THREE" target agg just a reminder for all.

Hotels are in Newcomerstown, Coshocton and Cambridge.

Coshocton Village Inn 740-622-9455
Newcomerstown Hampton Inn 740-498-9800
Cambridge Hampton Inn would be a good choice 740-439-0600 lots of places there to eat.
Baymont Cambridge 740-439-1505
Comfort Inn Cambridge 740-435-3200
Coshocton Super 8?

Ok, cleaning tables we have several but you may want to bring one if you have it and we can fit it under the building. We have "PLENTY" of room around the building and to the sides for tents and canopys. Grass is mowed short and will have campfires Friday and Saturday night for some social gathering for those who want to stay. Bring brats, hot dogs whatever.
Camping is available for those who wish to and there is room several RVs
and pull behind campers.

Concessing stand will be open ALL day Friday Saturday and Sunday.

If I left anything out let me know. If you need additional info please let me know.

For those who wish to donate prizes here is our address or bring it with you but please let us know so we can structure the prize give away ASAP.

Thunder Valley Rifle Club
15796 TR. 118
Kimbolton, Ohio 43749

740-502-6530 (cell) call anytime

Just a clarification...you posted
"Not to speak out of school, but the payment penalty beginning a month ahead of the shoot seems a bit excessive to me. jmho. Especially considering there's only 3 days notice here about the shoot. At PA for the WO, we did that only for the last day entries. An easement on that might attract more entrants. Again, jmho"...I thought I remembered something about this a while back, so I searched the forums and found that, as I thought, Tom posted on another thread about the Nationals on May the 20th
"Fees: One gun $75.00 if pre-registered by August 1st. $85.00 after August 1st or weekend of match. Two guns $125.00 if pre-registered and $135.00 after August 1st. Junior shooters are half price. This includes a championship t-shirt and one lunch ticket."
Unless my math is wrong, that is alot more than three days. But anyway, as best I can remember we ( meaning IBS 1000yd clubs ) have always had a 30 day or so pre-registration. This was done to encourage shooters to sign up early so the clubs could have money to help with prizes and such. I remember from being around conversations from PA shooters that they have a massive bank account up there. That is great, and I hope it is true, but that allows alot of flexibility as far as this goes, so I am sure you can understand why it is done.
I also am pretty sure the form was on the IBS site and the Ohio site before the first of July.
Gotcha Jeff. That makes more sense then. I hadn't considered the cash on hand as a concern. Also, hadn't seen anything about the match. I must have missed that.