100 Yard Group Match-Harrison Sportsmans Club Saturday


Al Walewski
The Harrison Sportsmans Club will be holding a 100 yard group Match on Saturday 6/15/2013. Gates open at 8:00, firing will begin promptly at 10:00. Bring an extra $5 and get into the cash option. Please contact me prior to Saturday morning if you'd like to share a bench/flags ajwalew-at-gmail.com or reply to this thread.

I am pretty sure Ron and I will be sharing a bench. He stopped the other day and I didn't ask him if he was going this weekend or not. Sure hope the gun starts working better than it did last match.

See ya Saturday.

Joe Hynes
I'll be there Al, with one gun only unless Dudley and Larry want to bring out their Hunters guns for group.

Jeff Aberegg
I'll try to get there...


As you know I have just had a bout with kidney stones... and one boulder. They are now gone. Got out of the hospital last night. Seem to be making some progress...

The thought of Jeff running amock at Harrison without adult supervision is scary... will do my best.

Dick said:
The thought of Jeff running amuck at Harrison without adult supervision is scary...

The world as we now know it would cease to exist... if that were to happen!

Get some rest Dick. A desk job awaits you.
You guys are too kind! If Gammon were to show up we'd show ya'all a good time. Dudley and I are going to shoot our Hunter guns for group, haven't heard from Larry yet. Francis won't show up because he hates that I beat him however, Paul is the only one that could give Dudley a run for his money!!! Francis is maybe good for the clap ( that's third place for those who haven't shot at Harrison ).

Jeff Aberegg
If Dudley is going to show up let him know that I'll bring my Long Range match rifle to the range Saturday. He wants to look through the new Nightforce Competition scope...
Dudley is going to be there Francis, grab Paul and we'll have us a match. I would love to see your five pins Francis. I'd bring mine but, there are just so many of them to cart around.

Jeff Aberegg
Al and Dick,

Don and I will be there around 8ish. Looking forward to getting 'up north' again!

The recovery from the kidney stone...

thing is less fun than I thought it would be. Won't know till tomorrow AM if I can make it.

If I can't get there, Al will have to register everybody. Please do your best to make it easy on him. Call or email him today if you need any special bench assignments.

Al will need volunteers for scoring and being range officer. Help him out. Matt is good at scoring and the computer... Thank Gawd!

Looks like the weather is going to be great. I really wanta see my old buddy Don. We've literally shot together for over fifty years.

I'll see if I can talk Glorya into coming and taking over the R.O. job.

Jeff, please email me. I have 25 Krag pictures you won't believe. My computer seems to have forgotten your email.

Semper fi,

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