100 yard 22lr accuracy outdoors



I'm new to 22lr benchrest shooting and I've never been to a official 22lr benchrest competition. I would like to know, how common are one hole groups of five shots under .45 inch with wind condtions above 2 mph? Also, are there competition 22lr matches for benchrest with no wind flag devices allowed? I just noticed that I didn't specify the rifle would be shot off of a front rest with bag and also a bagged rear as opposed to something that resembles a rail gun. ifldned
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100 yd accuracy

i don't think you can shoot a one hole group with a 22 that would measure .45 center to center- it would measure something smaller.

if your shooting one hole at a hundred without flags, in any kind of wind, you probably ought to sell that rifle cheap and if you will email me, i'll be happy to get of that promblem child for you..........fred
5 shots 22lr at under .45 inch

dear fred,
Merry Christmas to you and your family, thanks for your response. I'm attempting to shoot a one holer under .45 inch five shot group with a 22lr at 100 yards . I have pretty extensive shooting experience with other calibers rifl e and pistol and consider myself a fairly accomplished shooter. I'm using a winchester 52 custom old school rifle. It weighs some 13 lbs and some odd ounces, it's a Womack ts 400, stainless steel 26 inch barrel,beautiful laminated walnut stock with a 25 lyman super target scope and a 22 ounce trigger. I also have a 54.18 anshutz silhouette rifle mounted with a weaver t-16 that I will use as a second rifle if I get so frustrated with the winchester I have to try something else. I'm hoping to at least get at least a .45 inch group, that being about a bullet hole on any side of the first hole and hopefully I will get lucky and get into .25 inch size group. Right now I'm thinking a .25 inch group is like getting a 200 yard hole in one in golf, or maybe climbing Mt.Everest. I was hoping very experienced 22 lr benchrest shooters would give me a better idea of difficult this is to achieve.
If you just want one of them, sure it's do-able. You need good wind flags (or a lot of luck) and some patients to wait for your condition. It needs to be a good day with a consistent breeze. A .25 ctc is doable too.
.45 inch group 22lr

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you can acturally have a one hole group with a 22lr as large as, lets see,this is my method of calculation, by bullet hole .224 inch for one hole, shooting cutters,that is one hole barely touching the next, if you strung five cutter shots that's 5 x .224 = 1.12 inches,then minus the .224 inch to calculate center to center for fives shots gives us .896 inch. Roughly, we could have a one group strung out five shot group at .896 inch
The guys that shoot group, measure the widest spot in the group, less the diameter of the bullet. In your example, you are correct in the size of the group. The smaller the group, the closer to round they become.
22 lr group size

I'm thinking as I go along. Come to think of it a 22lr bullet although the diameter is roughly .224 inch does not make anywhere near that size of a hole on a piece of paper. Only, wadcutters make the size hole of the bullet and maybe they don't, depends on the paper. Now I'm confusing myself. Anyhow , I measure outer edge to outer edge and deduct the bullet diameter. Is this a accurate way to measure?
22 lr group size 100 yards outdoors

I'm noting the amount of hits on my question and the amount of responses. I realize the difficulty of the task of shooting a .45 inch five shoot group for a 22lr at 100 yards outdoors let alone a .25 inch group. One shooter recommended that I use the most sensitive wind flags available and wait for the conditions to be right. I don't know how sensitive wind flags are as I've said I'm not a 22lr benchrest shooter. My method is to use incense sticks maybe 5-10 bundled together and places 25 yards apart. I'll also walk the berm around the target with lit smoking incesne stick to see up and down drafts caused by the berm. I don't think any wind flag is more sensitive than smoke. Please correct me if I'm mistaken as I've found that have expert mentors is alot more beneficial than me proceeding along by trial and error. My next move is to go to a 36x power scope so I can see the mirage, which for me equates to wind drift. I hope I can luck out and get one, one hole group at .45 inch , 5 shot , 100 yards.
How I got into rimfire benchrest

I showed up at my gun club rifle range with a new CZ 452 Varmint a few years ago with some Aquila ammo. I did not know anything about wind or wind flags or what distance I should shoot a 22. I was pretty green.

I set up on my two piece rest and after I sighted the rifle in at 100 yards, I proceeded to shoot two ten shot groups that were 7/8" center to center. One of the guys who shot factory rimfire benchrest was at the range that day and he told me that that was good enough to shoot with the group that he shot with.

I found out that I had a lot to learn and that must have been the only day ever that the wind did not blow at our rifle range. When I shot up the first brick of Aquila I found that I had bought the only brick of good shooting ammo that that company ever made.

I have learned a lot about the rimfire game since then. I believe that I am safe in saying that outside in real world conditions, while it can be done, a 1/2" five group with a 22 LR at 100 yards is quite rare. I would measure any group center to center.

The best 22 will not equal a good centerfire benchrest rifle at 100 yards. That is part of what makes this sport difficult to master.

Concho Bill
I do shoot 100 yard group matches and was lucky enough to win the last two with a .429 and .362 groups. Occasionally the winning groups are .5 or a bit less but more often, the winning groups are 5/8 to 3/4 inch. Yes we are using wind flags, two piece rests, benchrest rifles and most are using Eley Match or 10X. Groups are measured with a calipers with the template to surround the holes.

Sub MOA groups at 100 yards with a 22LR isn't the easiest thing in the world. The wind can be a bear.

My opinion, imscense isn't the way to go. Use wind flags.

i only use insense when the wind is neglible, which to me is 1-1.5 mph. To a previous poster, I place the incense smoke 25 yards apart and walk the berm area with lit incense just to check the up and down draft wind currents that are neglible to wind flags . Go to"Handloads.com ballistic calculator" for ballistics and wind effect of a 22lr even in 1 mph intensity. Shooting under a half inch five shot group in 2 mph wind that swirls is most difficult task indeed.
22 lr group size 100 yards outdoors

Please tell me how you can walk with incense sticks smoking and shoot
at the same time. The air is changing continuously

you are right Bob, the wind changes continously. I wonder if it is only alot of skill combined with alot of luck that will give me my .45 inch group.
thanks for you input,
I appreciate your experience
22 lr group size 100 yards outdoors

i don't think you can shoot a one hole group with a 22 that would measure .45 center to center- it would measure something smaller.

if your shooting one hole at a hundred without flags, in any kind of wind, you probably ought to sell that rifle cheap and if you will email me, i'll be happy to get of that promblem child for you..........fred
you are right about the flags, I find if I need flags forget about the one hole group. I use incense smoke every 25 yards and walk the berm with smoke lit incense to check up and down drafts. thanks for you input
22 lr group size 100 yards outdoors

I do shoot 100 yard group matches and was lucky enough to win the last two with a .429 and .362 groups. Occasionally the winning groups are .5 or a bit less but more often, the winning groups are 5/8 to 3/4 inch. Yes we are using wind flags, two piece rests, benchrest rifles and most are using Eley Match or 10X. Groups are measured with a calipers with the template to surround the holes.

Sub MOA groups at 100 yards with a 22LR isn't the easiest thing in the world. The wind can be a bear.

My opinion, imscense isn't the way to go. Use wind flags.
thank you for you expert opinion,I only use smoke when the win is negliable, less than 1 mph. I'll admit if the wind is over that I would consider any good group just luck. But as I mentioned I don't know how sensitive good wind flags are and I used smoke first as I know smoke is very sensitive to wind and free.
thanks again for your expertise
22 lr group size 100 yards outdoors

thanks so much for your expert input. I believe there is no such thing as no wind. I don't know how sensitive wind flags are but I know smoke tells no lies.Even when the smoke rises straight up with a powerful scope, say 36x and above you can see the mirage, or heat waves emanating from the ground. I don't have to tell you this creates high and low pressure circumstances that raise and drop the bullet. I'm trying to learn as much as I can, thank you for your help. ifldned
ifldned, reading your post about 100yd 22LR accuracy, you stated you have a custom Win 52 ts Womack. I recently purchased a custom Rem 37 with the barrel stamped Womack 400, the stock is a beautiful piece of fiddle back walnut, the rifle is set up as a prone rifle, I think, with Freeland tube sights. I have not been able to find any info about who did the work, barrel mfg, etc. If you have any info, please let me know.
22 lr group size 100 yards outdoors

If you just want one of them, sure it's do-able. You need good wind flags (or a lot of luck) and some patients to wait for your condition. It needs to be a good day with a consistent breeze. A .25 ctc is doable too.

dear don,
you come across as a very experienced shooter. How many times have you accomplished this feat?
p.s I'm beginning to realize just how hard this is...