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  1. N

    Electronic Ear Protection???

    Electronic Ear Protection I use electronic hearing protection as well as use hearing aids. I also spent a career designing analog integrated circuits with the last 10 years in the hearing industry. I am an Electrical Engineer and I took the graduate program in Audiology so I would understand...
  2. N

    Barrel tuners ?

    With respect to my thread above; Check out the champion team in F-Open at the recent world match! This should be a warning to those not interested in tuners! Everything these folks did are still somewhat top secret, but suffice it to say, they left NOTHING to chance!
  3. N

    Induction Annealed

    Here is a thread from Accurate Shooter that discusses the Annie as well as showing a modification I made for mine. I believe the Annie is a good value as I have had excellant results since Fluxeon got over their initial G0-Into-Production problems...
  4. N

    284 Shehane Minimum Neck Turn

    For what it's worth, Jerry Tierney claimed that 284's shot better with no turn necks. He didn't know why, but claimed every time he tried turning necks, his results weren't as good a no turn. Of course, I bought a no turn neck from Pacific! The gun shoots great.
  5. N

    New ear protection?

    Tim, It IS possible to make a good impression your self, with experience. But, in my opinion, the error in that method is that first, the material is not ideal for an actual plug and favors the mix and insert process. Second, when the Audiologist makes an impression, they insert an Oto-Block...
  6. N

    New ear protection?

    Tim, If what you want is simply as much attenuation that you can get, I recommend one of two choices; 1. Go to a competent Audiologist and ask for a custom molded plug extending past the second bend. Also tell them what you will be doing with them. 2. Buy a big box of yellow foamies.
  7. N

    Cost to build a basic BR rifle

    You mention BR standards. I don't know what BR you are referring to. I shoot Long range BR.
  8. N

    Cost to build a basic BR rifle

    Back to the original question; If one is going to try bench rest or F Class shooting on a budget, it is hard to beat a box stock Savage Bench rest or F Class gun. The addition of a serviceable scope and you are shooting. Plus, it will be a while till you can out shoot the gun. Once you have...
  9. N

    New ear protection?

    Boyd is absolutely right! I use Etymotic GSP-15 Blast Protector 'cause I'm predjudiced and I designed the amplifier in them! But I use them instead of yellow foamies as they control the perceived sound level from a whisper to a rifle blast. The popular amplified muffs do much the same except...
  10. N

    New ear protection?

    Norm Matzen here again! I'm sure a lot of you are tired of my ranting about hearing protection, but these "plugs" take the cake. First, they are looking for "Crowd Source" investors. You think because no mainline investors would invest in these! Second, there are no real details or...
  11. N

    Gempro 250 question

    There are two primary types of scales capable of measuring powder loads. One is a Strain gauge measurement and the other is magnetic force restoration. The latter balance is zeroed to a 0.000 level and when you them put a mass on the pan( I.E. powder charge) The pan lowers proportionally to...
  12. N

    not enough adjustemnt with NF 12x42 ? something isnt right!

    I may be a day late and a dollar short, but my Quickload says that with a 30" barrel, a 6BR will drop 31 MOA at 1000yd with 30gr Varget and 36.2 MOA with 28 gr Varget. Or, 2840fps vs 2677fps. That is 5.2 MOA or 52 inches at 1000 yd! Or clearly outside the scope's adjustability! I picked the...
  13. N

    Barrel tuners ?

    Those of you who think no one is using tuners in F Class should check out! there are a couple of threads covering tuners. There are a number of VERY sharp guys developing a common gun for the Oz F Class team so they are competitive in world competition! And, yes, it is a tuned...
  14. N

    Need Help With a Tuner

    With regard to tuners adjusting for environmental effects; The literature indicates most folks using tuners with good results have characterized their barrel-tuner combination and have graphs of tuner adjustment vs temp. I think a more useful metric is Density Altitude. This has a loose...
  15. N

    virgin clean necks vs carbon fouled.

    I think Boyd hit the nail on the head! In fact, for a while I was ultrasonically cleaning my cases with home-brew mix of water, vinegar and a bit of liquid soap. My necks got so squeeky clean I had bullets scouring and even cold welded cases to the mandrel of my LEE collet die! Needless to...
  16. N

    Shooting-Related Hearing Loss?

    Glenn, I am sure your hearing aid dispenser told you it was important to wear the aids at least 8 hr per day and that you will "get used to them." Actually, there was a very bright audiologist (actually, a physicist) at the university of Glascow named Gatehouse. This guy studied adaption to...
  17. N

    Shooting-Related Hearing Loss?

    Boyd, Don't get so excited! I was just commenting that if you "noticed" an improvement with the muff, you weren't getting the best reduction, but probably the 33 NRR on the box label. But, If you DID correctly insert them, you wouldn't notice any difference with the muff as the ear plugs...
  18. N

    Shooting-Related Hearing Loss?

    Well Boyd, Your reply tells me that you don't know how to properly insert the foam plugs. If you did it correctly, you would have a noise reduction of not 33 which is the rated NRR for the foam plugs, but the 38 dB or so with correct insertion. If you have a noticeable reduction with the...
  19. N

    Shooting-Related Hearing Loss?

    Yes! I have comments! I am a relative new-comer to Bench Rest ( long range) shooting as I started in about 2008. However, I have 50 years experience as an electronics engineer designing analog integrated circuits. The last 22 years I worked in the hearing industry. I attended the San Jose...
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    Cartridge opinions?

    I don't know Boyd, But I get beat often by a certain guy at Sacramento with his old 6BR and my 6BRX shoots pretty good!