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  1. J

    New Berger BR Bullet

    Thank you Eric for the update. Waiting for the new lot. best regards, jvee Finland
  2. J

    Current made fowler bullets

    What an interesting topic! I found about 500 of Jeff´s bullets in garage (old ones), and shot them in a new 13,5" Bartlein. They really shoot. I have over 3000 of Berger Columns and I decided to give a try to some old bullets I had. The new Bergers did not shoot bad, but the news alerted me. I...
  3. J

    338 lapua load data??

    Try this page...
  4. J

    NF 8-32 BR problem

    In the latest 600 m competition my NF 8-32 started to act strange. The first relay went fine, but after that it started to go down with the magnification: after every shot I needed to turn the zoom up to max again since it had moved down. The POI did not move, nor parallax. Can anyone lighten me...