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  1. 750k2

    CMP 40x vs. 1411

    I picked up a 40X to build on but it was in nice shape so I sent my 1411 off for a new Broughton. I do plan on building on a Stiller 40 clone if I can get one. I shoot my 1600/Hart as of now and it shoots way better than I can. Horse a piece - You'll end up with a full build in the end. Probably...
  2. 750k2

    Ruger 10-22 Target Rifle - Action Plating

    Ask on They will fix you up;)
  3. 750k2

    10/22 or Lilja or Shillen or whoever

    I have a Lilja and can do 250's @ 25 on USBR with X count in 20's. @ 50 she gives up to the bolts and it took 4 or 5 stocks and bedding jobs. I have many Liljas and no bad ones. They do cost $$ though. For hunting?? GM. 10/22 will waste a lot of jack - they are fun but?? Lilja,CPC bolt,KIDD...
  4. 750k2

    Anschutz Action Screws

    I made mine for my 1700's with an order from here. They have stuff not listed also.
  5. 750k2

    CMP 40X and Jewell trigger problem

    Or grind the bottom of the trigger down a little. How much does it hit by?
  6. 750k2

    Stiller Rimfire Pics

    Steve, did you find out what kind of mag set-up will be used on the repeater? I'll bet these go like hot cakes. I know I'm gonna jump on one of each if there is enough to go around and I'm just a duffer not hard core like the rest of you guys.
  7. 750k2

    SUHL Action Screws

    What is the thread size/pitch? You can make your own if you have a drill press and file. Cut to length and file the head shape you want - I outfitted all my Annies and it was cheap and almost fun.
  8. 750k2

    Need info on fudd top

    I love mine - works great with my flat forearms but I still use leather with anything rounded.
  9. 750k2

    Ammo of Choice

    Most love the ELEY.
  10. 750k2

    SPF New RF At Shot Show

    I wonder how long til a avg. joe like me can obtain one? I e-mailed about a set - SS and Repeater. I think all the heavy hitters will scarf up the first lots. I'm going to be in on this.
  11. 750k2

    Finnfire Varmint or Remington 504T-HB

    You can put a ball point pen spring in the trigger and get it close to 6oz. Try Eley,RWS,SK - I know they say SK and wolf are the same but I always seem to do better with SK. Temps above 50 or 55 seem to make a big dif. in my rifles - Below 50 and I have a drop off - Maybe try some Biathalon...
  12. 750k2

    Finnfire Varmint or Remington 504T-HB

    Rimfire ain't centerfire and I can assure you wind is and can be a nightmare. I'm just learning (4th yr) BR rimfire but the first time you own a rifle ammo combo that can chase conditions you will know it right away. It feels good to - Now I just need to learn how to read. Get a Jewell and some...
  13. 750k2


    Thanks for the help - you guys are like trap shooters:(
  14. 750k2


    When you re-barrel what are the costs? Assuming a high quality action BAT,Farley Stolle etc.... Do you have to send the action in or are the tolerances so close they thread and head space with out hands on? Thinking on finally taking the plunge. Will have more stupid questions to follow. :confused:
  15. 750k2

    Mid-Barrel Tuners

    Are the bbls tapered or straight? Maybe they would hold on a straight? Just a thought. I hope so, mine is going to be straight and am going to try a mid-tuner.
  16. 750k2


    Thanks Fred:D
  17. 750k2


    Boy, I didn't mean to start anything. Just wanted to have an idea of what order to add the tuners and weights. Lets just say all the other stuff is fine. Lighten up it's the holidays;)
  18. 750k2


    Well I should be on the right track. Annie 1400 - said to have good ignition Trigger worked to 2 oz. Broughton 5C Kelby stock Mid and Hoehn w/ Von Ahrens weights Now if I can just find the magic:rolleyes:
  19. 750k2


    A or B? A=Mount tuner set at mid point add weight til I find smallest vert. Then mount and tune with mid bbl , last start at 0 and dial tune. B=Mount mid and tune mid bbl, Mount tuner set a mid point and add weight to fine tune, Dial tune from 0 for final setting. Anyone have an option C?