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  1. dragman

    6.5X284 or 243 Ackley Improved ???

    I don't have dies honestly I bought the gun looking to rechamber it. I acually have use of the dies and the match reemer cuz my gunsmith has them. the reason I mainly was looking into the 243 ackley was the speed and power yes, but the availibility of good brass is nice too. I will look into the...
  2. dragman

    6.5X284 or 243 Ackley Improved ???

    OK, to start I just shot my first 1000 yard match sunday but have been a gun nut for years. I shot my Savage F class 6.5X284 that is not quite stock and did pretty well for a first time out, but the wind did kick my butt pretty good. I am having a 243Ackley improved built at the moment out of a...
  3. dragman

    barrel length for maximum velosity in 6.5x47L

    Sorry for starting an arguement, I guess I mixed up what I read and what my gunsmith told me for max velocity and maximum efficency. I still don't know why the 27" barrel out FPS'ed the 30" barrel we tested with the same loads??? I still stand by there being no reason to be over 29" unless your...
  4. dragman

    barrel length for maximum velosity in 6.5x47L

    Well after a few hundred more rounds I will be cutting my barrel down and rechambering it due to throat wear I will compare chronograph numbers then.
  5. dragman

    barrel length for maximum velosity in 6.5x47L

    Well sir you can't use a 30-06 to make your argument. different calibers and charges react differently, and bullet weight and caliber do make a difference as well as rate of twist. I know what I own and I know what it does through my chronograph. Look at what you posted the gap in speed the...
  6. dragman

    barrel length for maximum velosity in 6.5x47L

    I think that is about right. a 29" will have more muzzle velocity than the 30. I personally have a 6.5X284 with a 30" barrel and my friends with a 27" barrel with the same load has me by 35FPS.
  7. dragman

    barrel length for maximum velosity in 6.5x47L

    Im not worried. I trust that anything over 29" in a 6.5 isn't improving anything even in the 47 Lapua. I could be wrong but I have never seen any evidence to make me think that longer is needed.
  8. dragman

    barrel length for maximum velosity in 6.5x47L

    From what I have read I would say stay between 27-29 depending on the powder used anything more you will start to loose velocity in the barrel.
  9. dragman

    first match ever

    this is a long range varmint shoot. it isn't by group or paper you have steel shiluettes (however you spell that) and you only get points if you knock them down. 10 crows 10 GH's 10 Bobcats and 10 Yotes. I only got 9
  10. dragman

    first match ever

    Match went really well I think for my first ever. I ended up with a 9 out of a total 40. I started off really good but as the wind picked up later in the day it really showed the rookie that I am. I was 7 out of the first 20 which I was thrilled with but a 2 in the last 20 really humbled me. I...
  11. dragman

    first match ever

    match is tomorrow. leaving at 4:45 AM
  12. dragman

    first match ever

    I am shooting a 6.5X284 F class. I have put the load through the chrono and I am shooting 140 grain Berger VLD's with a b.c. of .612 I have a good idea of what adjustment I am supposed to have to make, but that doesn't mean that it's gonna do what it is supposed to. Thanks for the info I hope it...
  13. dragman

    first match ever

    I am very new to the shooting world I have only started shooting rifles this year. I have a lot of years in shooting bows and pistols, but nothing in the rifle world til this year. I am going with my gun smith to a match this sunday june 5th. And to keep within my normal form of making nothing...
  14. dragman

    22-250 vs 22-250ai

    I used to have a Savage VLPS in 22-250 that I had "tricked out" it was bedded and chambered in Ackley Improved. That gun SHOT took a ground hog out @ 716 yards with a 53grain blitzking out of a 26" barrel with a 1-12 twist. I should have never got rid of that gun but I am having a second bench...