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  1. J

    Surface Grinder

    Zebra, I bought a big heavy duty DoAll a year ago, got a helluva deal on it. Magnetic chuck, coolant system, the whole works...haven't used it, not even one time. Had to have the darned thing, once I got it I realized the only forseeable use I would have for it was to true recoil lugs. I cannot...
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    Makes sense to me Mike. I'm not very lucky with making bits, wish I was.
  3. J

    1000 yd Muzzle Brake Rule Change

    Use any petition/agenda item you personally want. It is obviously important to jbennington that you sign his, but there can be many agneda items. Sign them all, sign none, it is your choice. No one is asking to not sign yours, why would you ask for people to not sign someone else's ...
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    It is no problem at all to remove the extractor, and you can get just the pin from Brownells to peen it back in when done with the bolt face. I know alot of 'smiths do it like it is mentioned above, but I've never had any luck trying to do it that way...I'm probably not making the bit correctly...
  5. J

    1000 yd Muzzle Brake Rule Change

    Guys, Change can be good and change can be bad. Usually if it is bad, steps can be taken to fix the change. IBS rules do allow for this. If an agenda item is passed, it is employed on a trial basis for the upcoming season. A mail in ballot with the temporary rules on it is sent to every IBS...
  6. J

    New info on the VA1000 website

    I have put some new info, such as the 2010 Match Schedule on the VA1000 website .
  7. J

    phase converter for Bridgeport

    I have a 5 hp rotary phase converter that I'm not using a new bigger lathe and needed a bigger one to run both lathes...that I could sell you. It is a Phase-a-Matic, and is still wired up with the 3 phase disconnect. All you would have to do is hook 220 to it, and the machine to...
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    Norma 300 WSM Brass

    Tod, I got somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 firings out of my Norma 300WSM brass before developing any problems. Stopped counting at 30, but only went a few more before I split 2 of them at the body/shoulder junction. Of course it happened at the 2008 Nationals. Primer pockets were still...
  9. J

    Something to think about

    a.JR, I'm not sure about the number of benches necessary, but with the current 1000yd rules under IBS 16 shooters is more than enough to hold a points match. It used to be 20 shooters needed but that changed a couple of years back. I will be leaving to go to the IBS Winter meeting later today...
  10. J

    IBS 1000 Yard Shooter of the Year

    Congratulations Bob !!! I'm glad to see you get it, and you deserve it. -------------------Jeff
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    Iowa/IBS 1000 Yard Nationals Report

    Thanks for everyone's kind words above. I can honestly say that this was the most enjoyable Nationals I have ever been to. Pella, Iowa is a wonderful and beautiful part of the country, and the people ( whether at the range or meeting people in the way EVERYBODY knows Gordy ! ) are...
  12. J

    Stinky hands

    Speaking of skunks...try tomato juice. That's what is supposed to take the stink off if you get "skunked". I've also heard of using milk. ------------Jeff
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    Trip to Iowa for the 2009 Nationals

    OK, one passenger not going now...just 3 of us,still room for one. There is also only one guy having me take his equipment, so there is some room there also. ----------------Jeff
  14. J

    Got my load on...6XC update

    Explain yourself Jeff in OH. It looks as if he shorted the group size a little with the calpiers, but look at the angle of the photo. It is possible that the caliper is positioned correctly if the photo was taken from directly above. Assuming the group was measured correctly, and the calipers...
  15. J

    Hopefully not too silly a question about installing a muzzle brake.

    Ditto on wnroscoe...he beat me to it. -------Jeff
  16. J

    Trip to Iowa for the 2009 Nationals

    I'll take any excuse to go to Colorado I can find, but elk season isn't in yet. I guess we'll have to see you in Iowa. :)
  17. J

    Trip to Iowa for the 2009 Nationals

    I am traveling to the 09 Nationals in Iowa this year. Driving my truck, pulling my enclosed trailer. I would like to have three people going with me, and I have two...need one more. If anyone is interested, send me an email at . I also would like to exted the offer to carry...
  18. J

    Bedding a Savage Model 10.

    Fitch, I basically use the same method to remove the mag well as Monte does, but I use a flat punch held against the back tang of the mag well and hit the punch with the hammer. Small hammer, light hit...pops it out every time. Goes back the same way. As far as installing a detachable mag, you...