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    grizzly 4003G VS PM 1236??

    Almost all modern lathes, Grizzlys included, have a sacraficial synthetic gear somewhere on the outboard drive set to prevent excessive crash damage. Get an extra sacraficial gear if you think you will be prone to crash damage...............Ive had a spare for 20 years, never used..............Don
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    Need help finding moderately priced rifle for beginner

    If you are strictly target shooting for accuracy and punching paper, then take Lynns advice and get the 6BR, it is the best most economical choice. If you might also use the rifle for hunting as well as target shooting then the 260 Rem would be fine, as it is an excellent and accurate...
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    Tail Stock Too High?

    I dont want to sound like a parrot just repeating what Jackie said, but I agree with his viewpoint...........Don
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    Tail Stock Too High?

    If really bothersome or critical to a particular machining job (most high tailstocks are not), an easy fix is an adjustable center, several manufactures provide them and there have been some examples in the past of members making their own, see the following example (first I came across in a...
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    CNN Magazine Capacity Poll

    Thats why it is called "statistic babel"...............Don
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    Ugly threads

    see page 5 and 27 of the following link, probably explains it better than I ever could, unfortunately the chart is in mm. infeed for 60 degree threads, dont know why, anyway was the first explanation/chart I came across..............Don...
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    Ugly threads

    Check your compound lash adjustment screw, sounds like it might not be tight and/or missing, not allowing your compound to reposition itself repeatably when transversing in and out. Also, you have not mentioned anything about "thread infeed pass rate", a very important concept and requirement...
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    Need Help/Scope Bedding Problem

    Did epoxy go over center of scope tube diameter trapping tube? If so, you need to remove some epoxy material less than tube diameter to untrap................Don
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    Brake/choke fix?

    . It appears that this one was also soldered but with a large space between the boss i.d. and barrel o.d., in order to allow a gap for the solder to fill, unfortunately this large gap prevented a tight fit centering of the boss to the bore centerline, and subsequent part fits are also off...
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    Brake/choke fix?

    Brake/choke fix still-pictures and video. "A" boss that appears to be off boreline. "E" new sleeve that did not fix problem. #56 picture bore offset visually. #58 and #60 pictures measured bore offset of about .012". #62 targets "F" and "G" no choke aimpoint and impact point is same, "H"...
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    What is competitive

    . Um, here are the "Records page" HV 100 yard aggregates as listed on this website, what needs to be changed? Aggregates Unlimited Heavy Varmint Light Varmint Sporter Hunter 5-5-100 .1283 inches Steve Kostanich 8/10/2003 .1399 Inches Rex Reneau 9/6/1982 .1500 Inches Jeff...
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    Two questions

    1. Any carbon remover, I like to use "Never dull". 2. "Brake Cleaner" use in BR is generally for de-greasing, any application for the removal of oil, grease, or solvents without leaving a noticable residue, most common use is probably to clean bronze cleaning brushes of solvents so that they...
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    .300 Savage.
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    Alumium, As a dear departed friend use to say, Stocks:

    Howdy Gene, Been out to Angeles a couple of times with brothers hunting stuff, and bumped into the BR guys, hope to make it out to the Ben Avery sometime this winter and catch you guys by surprise..............Don
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    Alumium, As a dear departed friend use to say, Stocks:

    Charles you are correct about the "cast" part and the tubing material, I some how missed that on my first read thru, thanks for the correction........Don
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    Alumium, As a dear departed friend use to say, Stocks:

    Because they are ugly, I know, because that is all I shot. But, they have their advantages; -light weight to stiffness ratio, my sporter/lv's weighed a total of 15 oz. with 6 verticle stiffeners. -absolute straight tracking capabilities because the tubular members were straight dimensioned...
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    Possible Dangerous Cartridges, Caution!

    Something is not right about this. Check the cartridge again. Generally speaking, primer detonation alone will not cause blowback thru gas ports and chipped extractor. First, weigh the entire cartridge and compare the weight to a known good round of similiar bullet/powder loading. If there is...
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    For the want of a Nail:

    Ive seen "o" ring installations to steel and brass rods, "shrink wrap" to synthetic rods, bore diameter, to prevent rod and jag contact.........solution to a non-existent problem if proper rod usage is followed, I believe. These "fixes" also make it more difficult to use rods and rod guides...
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    boring bar usage question

    inward Sounds good in theory but in actual practice I find myself starting all boring cuts from the outside and boring inward, mainly so that I can see everything that is happening, confirm cut depth, feed direction, feed rate, etc.............stop boring if anything does not look...
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    Another column B question

    . Hi Charles, I may be assuming too much here, or we are using different assumption was that you were referring to a .3080" diameter gun barrel bore therefore the freebore could not "squeeze" a bullet down to .3075" diameter because a reamer with a .3075"...