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  1. M

    Growing the IBS

    After 273 posts nobody has an answer how do you convince somebody who in his or her mind that they are the best shooter at the range/club that they shoot at to come out and compete and maybe find out they are not as good as they think they are. Ego is a fragile thing. Also factory class is not a...
  2. M

    Growing the IBS

    Want membership to grow, increased interest in matches, more classes ? Instead of griping the organizations are not responsive to YOUR needs. Bring a friend to a match get them to join NBRSA/IBS/what ever if every member would bring 1 more person with them into BR you would DOUBLE the size of...
  3. M

    Target question

    Didnt think this would be a problem to do this. buy up to a dozen targets.
  4. M

    Target question

    Is there somebody who who be willing to sell me 10 or 12 600 yard IBS targets? If so please PM me with the details. Thanks
  5. M

    Stuck case

    A buddy has 1/2 of a 22 Hornet case broken off in his FL sizing die, any ideas how to remove ? Already tried the oversize brass brush.
  6. M

    Copper remover and brass bore brushes?

    May not be politically correct but it worked then for a bunch of us. Sorry, but been there and done that with factory barrels; never needed to do that to a custom barrel.
  7. M

    Copper remover and brass bore brushes?

    I was told along time ago when asking the same thing of an older shooter who recomended Sweets for cleaning 308 barrels. Brushes are cheap use them and toss them when they get eaten up.
  8. M

    The Rise of the Varmint Hunter Class

    Just out of a want to know basis what is the case capacity of a 30BR case vs a 30-30 case? How much is really being changed by switching down? And just so you know I am about as recoil shy anymore as anybody.
  9. M

    30 BR neck expander

    Ok If I were to use Unique to do this what would be a reasonable starting point. Same with Bullseye, they are just what I happen have on hand.
  10. M

    for those that sort by bearing length.body length

    What are you using to sort by bearing length and where did you get it?
  11. M

    SuperShoot question

  12. M

    SuperShoot question

    Try again how early in the morning do the vendors open?
  13. M

    SuperShoot question

    How early (am) do the vendors usually open at the Super Shoot
  14. M

    F-Class practice and your range ?

    Has your league started yet?
  15. M

    Where Have All The Shooters Gone?

    Whoo Hoo Factory class again. Has anybody come up with a defination yet? Not being too cynical, but, I remember what has happened every time this comes up. I still believe the best way to increase participation is the old bring a friend and after they are hooked get them to bring one while you...
  16. M

    New American made target rifle???

    Heard rumors that a new American made target rifle is to be unveiled in a few weeks. Made in Penna, Anybody heard anything?
  17. M

    30 Major, 30 Walker, 30 PPC, 30??

    Are you planing to do all of this on 1 rifle?
  18. M

    Scopr magnification?

    Scope magnification? What scope power are most people using at 600 and 1000 yards?
  19. M

    Lookig for info on a gunsmith

    Has anybody ever heard of a gunsmith with the name Gorenflo?
  20. M

    VFS thread

    Question and NOT trying to start a wizzing contest. But, If UBR is the game that has everything( targets, rules, classes,etc ...) to be the "Best game" why is there no link on the front page of this website BRC ?