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  1. R

    308 with 30 br bullets

    has anybody tried some of the117 or 118 grain 30 br flat base bullets in a 1-17 or 1-14 twist 308 barrel at 600 or 1000 yds targets. It seems that these lighter bullets would stay above mach 1.2 with no problem and give good results. Just thinking out loud. Jeff
  2. R

    more 30br questions

    thanks to you guys who replied to my 30br group size questions. now i have more- i think i might have turned my necks to small. i use a .323 bushing and the bullet is snug ( i can't move it by hand) but my neck thickness is only .009. i do have a .322 bushing and will load with this. i shot in a...
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    30br group size

    i can't seem to shoot smaller than a .300 group after subtracting the .308 bullet diameter. what kind of group size are the top 10 finishers getting at 100 yards? i have shot 4 shot group that measure .180 but always seem to have a flyer that opens up the group to .300 plus size. please tell...
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    30 br tolerances questions

    jason thanks for reply. we agree on everything. i am using a .323 neck bushing and just got my brady knight bullets today. i have bib bullets on order also. the only thing i haven't done is trim my cases to the same size. i've got a lyman case prep machine coming to chamfer my necks after...
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    30 br tolerances questions

    i am a beginner score shooter and need the experts help. how close should the following tolerances be: bullet weight-i weigh my bullets and find plus .1 to minus .1 grain.variation. bullet length- i find up to 4 thousandths length difference i have a .330 neck but after shooting my neck measures...
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    1000 yd 6.5-47l barrel length

    6.5-47 length that is what i ordered. thanks for the reply jeff
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    1000 yd 6.5-47l barrel length

    please advise me to what length barrel i should order for 6.5-47l for 1000 yd comp. i have a shilen select match on order but it won't be made until about sept or oct. thanks for your help and opinions. jeff fountain
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    Recommended Barrel Length for 6.5 x 47

    What is the recommended barrel length for 6.5-47 Lapua for 600 and 1000 yard matches? I have just ordered a Shilen select match barrel for my Savage Benchrest Rifle. This rifle was originally chambered in 308. I plan on shooting the 139 grain Laupa or 140 grain Berger bullets. Also, is there a...
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    best rimfire benchrest rifles

    who is building the best rimfire rifles east of missippi? I think I would like to get into this shooting. I currently have a Savage heavy barrel 22 rimfire rifle with a good scope but a crappy 2.5lb trigger. I am trying to do something about trigger. Any advice will be welcombed. thanks jeff
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    portable benches

    what is everyone using for benches at ranges like butner nc that doesn't have fixed benches. I am a newbie for 600-1000 yd matches.I have a good friend who can get me on butner nc range quite often for practice but I need to know what to shoot from. thanks jeff