Search results

  1. R

    New tool for the bench.

    New tool for the bench.
  2. R

    Super Shoot

    I should have known it was you two. I hope that the both of don't suck your thumb at night.
  3. R

    Benchrest History Thread

    It's nice to see we are still shooting some of these ranges yet today. Russell
  4. R

    Arizona LV - HV Day 1

    A New Yorker that has kinda settled in the west has taken the lead.
  5. R

    Lowell Hottenstein... Your Prayers Needed Now!

    RIP Lowell as there will always be memory's never forgotten here.
  6. R

    Lowell Hottenstein... Your Prayers Needed Now!

    Thought's and Prayers go out to Lowell Hottenstein, Family and friends. Russell
  7. R

    Bartlein Barrels Welcomes Mark Buettegen!

    Congrats Mark enjoy your new job as I am sure you will both benefit. Russell
  8. R

    Marty Caratsole has left the range

    Bruce thanks for the post. Marty you were a man that said it like it is, as a true Gentlemen should and I will also respect your ways. May you rest in peace and are thoughts and prayers go out to you and the family. Russell
  9. R

    Growing the IBS

    Jason, I totally agree 100% and I am willing to assist and help in anyway to try and I get this off the ground. The only flag sitting video if this is done at South Creek should be done on bench 1 or we may scare a few people from the sport if they have to set flags on bench 30. I think this...
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    Growing the IBS

    Understood.... If there is no help within, then it is obvious. What a shame. Russell Rains
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    Growing the IBS

    Wilbur It appears that we need to start getting the ball rolling it sounds like. I have to believe that can be done on this site in order to collect the funds needed to purchase a marketing booth to travel the world to promote Benchrest shooting. Is the IBS willing to start a separate account...
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    Growing the IBS

    Hey Joe just look at the top of your head that aught a tell you something. Russell PS, Tell Stacy Hello and I completely understand. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
  13. R

    Growing the IBS

    Take up a collection, do raffle's, make donations to purchase the items needed to do marketing. Market it to get it off the ground. Its amazing on what people will by a raffle ticket for. As I stated when I started this thread increase and or decrease annual dues for cooperation or non...
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    Growing the IBS

    If you read when I first started this thread that was one of the first things I talked about. MARKETING!!!!
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    Growing the IBS

    The best I can say at this time is my knowledge as a Benchrest shooter has been passed on to help convenience the new Benchrest this is a tuff sport but if you hang tuff you will succeed. I have been told that I am a magnet to the New Shooters coming on board and I really do not mind as I have...
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    Solvent Tests

    Andy what do we have to do to get a 5 gallon bucket of the good stuff.
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    Melonite on action........

    Correct, The Black Melonite with the Silver Stainless fluting would look awesome.
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    Melonite on action........

    If they Melonite a bolt and also a barrel can they flute the bolt and barrel with out damaging the Melonite.
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    How to Make a Trout Jump

    I wonder how high he would jump if you put a hook in his lip.
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    Jeff Graves shoots his way into the South Eastern Region Hall of Fame!

    Congratulations Jeff Its nice to see a good guy finishing up on top. Russell