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    Scoring Loupe
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    Part # to adapt Big Max to 50BMG?

    What threads are under the bushing?
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    Tapered tenons?

    I am not sure tapered threads have all that much more thread engagement. Most threaded joints have only a very few actual threads engaged. Sealing against pressure is not the same as thread engagement. Tapered (NPT) is relegated to pipe threads for good reasons.
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    1/4 drive torque wrench?

    I am satisfied with my NEIKO 03714A. I purchased and then gave away a TEKTON 1/4 Inch Drive. It only measured in one direction. Not worth the trouble in often cramped places.
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    Jim, I wore a glove today.....

    Gloves and long sleeves are a bad idea around rotating machinery when it is in operation. It they catch the glove can rip off the skin. The most I might use is thin neoprene to limit how much cutting lube ends up on your skin. Most cutting lubes are designed to be 'skin friendly' but...
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    What tool / cutter setup do you use to turn rifle barrel shanks?

    "Machinery's Handbook" has excellent explanations of thread function. Both calculated and 'rule of thumb.' Typically only a few threads in any mechanical connection are taking the majority of the load.
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    What tool / cutter setup do you use to turn rifle barrel shanks?

    Very nice as long as you do not accidentally screw up the temper when grinding. You can salvage overheating HSS by running it though the typical heat, quench, temper routine. Induction heating has real advantages here. It heats from the center out instead of the sides in. Placing...
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    What tool / cutter setup do you use to turn rifle barrel shanks?

    I have an induction heater that does a wonderful job.
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    What tool / cutter setup do you use to turn rifle barrel shanks?

    Say what? Of course the hardness can be manipulated. Sometimes it is easier to soften it up to make complicated tools, and then then harden it back up. It hardens just like every other decent grade of steel. Heat to red hot. Allow to cool slowly. Shape. Heat it back up to red hot. Quench in...
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    What tool / cutter setup do you use to turn rifle barrel shanks?

    Diamond hones have come down in price enough to make them a 'standard' tool. Diamond Hone Sharpening Set Use these hand-held diamond sharpeners like a file. This four piece set contains medium (400), fine (600), super-fine (1200) and a coarse for quick bulk shaping...
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    What tool / cutter setup do you use to turn rifle barrel shanks?

    Totally agree. Carbide is made with sintered particles of material. Its 'grain' structure when compared to HSS is markedly coarser. It also requires a 'tight' setup. The slightest movement can result in chipped edges. Interrupted cuts can easily take the edge from carbide. HSS takes abuse a lot...
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    What tool / cutter setup do you use to turn rifle barrel shanks?

    I often grind different tools on each end of a HSS blank.
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    What tool / cutter setup do you use to turn rifle barrel shanks?

    I was spoiled for many years with access to tool room quality machinery. We had a couple lathes and milling machines in their own temperature controlled enclosures off in a corner of the larger tool room. My first meeting with the "tool room supervisor" was when the need arose for higher...
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    What tool / cutter setup do you use to turn rifle barrel shanks?

    HSS is available in an insert format for some grades. Sort of the best of both worlds. An insert that is HSS. We used to make receivers and transmitters that had a stack of slices. Each major function (Command/control interface, LO slices, mixer slices, power amp slices (for TX) etc. Slices...
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    What tool / cutter setup do you use to turn rifle barrel shanks?

    Did you harden and temper the HSS tools? It makes a huge difference in their life. The availability of diamond surfaces for sharpening hardened HSS tools allows very fine edges to be created.
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    What tool / cutter setup do you use to turn rifle barrel shanks?

    The grain in carbide, a sintered material, is also far larger than the atomic spacing in HSS alloyed steel. Lighter weight equipment often lacks the rigidity to adequately support carbide cutters. One of my many 'side jobs' was providing instrumentation for metal working setups that measured...
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    DYI Scope Repair

    As long as there are gaskets made of flexible material the seal is NOT hermetic. You need a hard metal to metal (or similar hard material) to create a hermetic seal. Glass frit is used on military grade integrated circuit packages, or even lead seals or brazing material. Even these seals are...
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    Vinyl Pastic Endcaps Wanted

    The correct screw on ones are better. If you do not have a threaded muzzle get slip on.
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    What tool / cutter setup do you use to turn rifle barrel shanks?

    Carbide only works well when you have a solid enough setup to take deeper cuts. HSS is more than adequate for typical gun work. Carbide lives and dies by heavy cuts to remove heat in the chips. Shaping and hardening (followed by some tempering) HSS is not all that difficult. Barrel threads are...
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    reamer chatter - undersized o.d. non-standard bushing i.d.

    Wrap the bushing in wax paper. It may take a couple turns. Turn the reamer by hand. A roll of wax paper lives in my metal shop. I cut off a section on the band saw the correct width. Put the piece back in the box of wax paper. For years we used plain copy paper. Then one of the 'older' gents...