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  1. H

    2019 Buffalo, Midland TX

    2019 Buffalo Two Gun Two Gun results
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    2019 Buffalo, Midland TX

    Weekend results, wicked, windy and hot, not for the faint at heart! Mike Bryant continues on a roll! Two Gun Grand will be in reply, won't let me add another attachment...
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    Attaching Sail Tails to wind flags

    Tail clips I get these on Amazon, 100 for about $6, 3/4” book rings, easy to put on and off, never had one get loose.
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    Hard Turning?

    Leave the die alone and get you one of these! Find an old Lyman neck sizing tool and a die for your cartridge. It will size the neck all the way down to what ever size you want. Put an oversized bushing in your regular die that barely slides over the neck and then use the Lyman to squeeze your...
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    TX Shootout and Gulf Coast Regional Sporter and Two Gun

    Was a bit nicer in Midland today but still a tough day of shooting.
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    TX Shootout - Gulf Coast Regionals Unlimited 100 & 200 plus Grand

    Hot, dry, windy plus mirage enough at 200 to float a boat on!
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    Barrel Break In......June Precision Rifleman

    What can it hurt? A tip I was given was to clean the bore and run a patch of Lock-Eze and shoot Molly coated Bullets the first few shots. Being that I have a Hawk Eye, I shoot one shot and then take a look. If it looks fine I take another shot then look again. If at anytime I see something I...
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    NM State Sporter results

    Saturdays results curtesy of Durward!
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    Seymour HV Sunday

    200 yardage, 100 will be this afternoon
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    Seymour TX, 100 & 200 UL matches

    Saturday results with UL
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    Wilson seating die blank?

    Seating die Really about the same as cutting a chamber with your match reamer. It’s just having a bushing big enough to fit the bore to keep the reamer on track.
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    47th SS Winner: Joel Nader

    Full results They could show it to you but then would have to kill you... ;-P
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    Seeing is Believing

    Tuner magic I've had the pleasure to spend some time with Gene in his tunnel working with tuners. What you have seen is absolutely correct. Gene now has the rear plate on his tuner etched and one mark equals .001 movement of the tuner. I was astounded by the changes in the groups with only that...
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    Best of the West, Raton

    Sunday’s report Final results from Raton. Great shooting on a very windy weekend! Congrats to Rex for the 2 gun and it appears that Larry hasn’t missed a step!
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    Best of the West, Raton

    Heavy Varmint 100 results Hv 100
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    Best of the West, Raton

    Light Varmint 100
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    Super shoot

    HV 100 results I got this sent to me this morning. Thanks Scott
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    Reviving old brass.

    Butt sizing Occasionally, if I start to feel any increase in bolt lift or the dreaded click. During matches I’ll take a quick measurement after sizing every couple matches to confirm shoulder bump and the butt size. I have the die easily accessible in my Harrels turret press so I can put the...
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    Reviving old brass.

    Butt sizing die Jackie, I’ve got a die that I was given that is similar to what you have done. I have it mounted on my press along with a turned down shell holder so that the entire case body gets sized. I’m getting it down to .4385 consistently to keep the clicking under control. Thanks, Scott
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    OK.... so REAR SPACERS??

    Aluminum spacers I'm assuming we are talking about short range bench rest... in rule 2.11.2 it states that "No metallic materials may be used in the construction of the sandbag. Tape on sandbag is legal." I would interpret this to say that you can't "attach" a piece of aluminum (or other...