Here's the facebook info
By Gun Talk on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 8:56am ·
After Sunday's show, we've gotten many emails about Tom's remarks after WWP declined an interview request on Gun Talk Radio because it's a firearms-related show. We've also seen the forums that are suggesting many things that are not true. So, I'm going to lay it all out right here.
We thought it would be great to book the WWP on the Veteran's Day show to promote the organization, so I contacted them. I was flabbergasted when their PR contact, Leslie, sent me an email saying they could not participate because our show dealt with firearms. Knowing that WWP has had a booth at trade shows and various gun shows across the US, takes wounded warriors on hunts and range days, raffles guns and accessories as fundraisers, etc., their policy didn't make much sense. I forwarded the email on to Tom to get his take.
The following is the complete email exchange:
Hello, Leslie:
Sarah forwarded me your email after I asked her to invite the Wounded Warriors Project to join me on "Tom Gresham's Gun Talk" radio show.
I'm stunned at your email saying that the WWP doesn't participate in an interview or activity related to firearms. Inasmuch as there are 90 million gun owners and most of them support wounded veterans, I think they would be shocked to hear that they are, by way of their hobbies, somehow not worthy of helping with the Wounded Warriors Project.
Does your policy apply also to police agencies and the military, since they are "related to firearms?"
I'm hoping that we have misunderstood your email. Can you confirm that it is, in fact, an official policy of the Wounded Warriors Project to not do interviews with or participate in any activity related to firearms?
Thank you.
Tom Gresham
Good afternoon --
While we appreciate your interest in Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) you are correct that we decline the media opportunity.
Please note the following notice that appears on our website which also applies to WWP public awareness policy and inquiries from media outlets:
WWP does not co-brand, create cause marketing campaigns or receive a percentage or a portion of proceeds from companies in which the product or message is sexual, political or religious in nature, or from alcohol or firearms companies.
Thank you for your inquiry.
public relations director
O: 904.405.1433
M: 904.654.8138
F: 904.296.7347
Wounded Warrior Project
4899 Belfort Road, Suite 300
Jacksonville, Florida 32256
Thanks for confirming that, Leslie. It was a simple opportunity to promote the WWP on a national program in an effort to send donations your way.
I'll pass along the info that you don't want or need the help of America's gun owners.
Best regards,
Tom Gresham
Good morning --
This policy is not a judgment on those who own and use firearms – clearly every member of our armed forces has been trained in the use of firearms and then called on to use them in the course of their service to this country.
Our position regarding firearms and alcohol is in response to the struggles that many injured service members face with substance abuse and suicide and the roles those items often play in those issues.
Thank you.
public relations director
Hello, Leslie:
Thank you for that explanation.
I do think -- and I'm being as kind as possible -- that it's the nuttiest thing I've heard in years. Suicides are not linked to firearms. Japan has a much higher rate of suicide than does the U.S., and they have essentially no firearms. Suicide is a serious issue irrespective of the methodology used.
This explanation doesn't pass even the most simple "does this make sense" test.
Your policy does, in fact, brand firearms and the companies which make them as undesirables, and by association, you are saying that those who own and use firearms for recreation, hunting, self protection, and other safe and legal uses are to be avoided.
It's certainly your option to ostracize the firearms industry, the 90 million gun owners in America, and the media which support firearms safety training.
At this point, I feel an obligation to make sure the millions who listen to my radio show and watch my two national television series know about your policy.
I cannot fully express how much I feel you are doing a disservice to our wounded veterans, and how disappointed I am to discover this bias at the Wounded Warriors Project.
Tom Gresham
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Jared Verbois, Jon Summers, Vortex Optics and 227 others like this.
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Blake Ringberg Well WWP because you have an idiot for a PR director you have "screwed the pooch" I would think that any PR that is wanting to promote you is good PR for you all but not this time!!! and by the way where can i send my WWP stuff back to?
19 hours ago · 2
James Youden This is the nuttiest thing I have ever heard. The Friends of NRA hold events for them throughout the year all over the country. I am gonna send this link to the powers that be....
19 hours ago · 2
Cynthia Stevens This disturbs me greatly. It does appear that there is a "selective double standard" when it comes to whose money the WWP likes and whose they don't. As Bill O'Reilly (The Factor, Fox News, 7PM CST) is a very big supporter of WWP, I have apprized him o...See More
19 hours ago · 3
Andrew Callis WWP stop backpedaling cause you can't fall off your perverbial bike any harder than you already have... I for one think you have double standards and a deeper lying issue with gun talk. Talk about politically motivated douchiness. That is all...
18 hours ago via mobile · 3
Sam William John Screw the WWP!! They'll never get a dime from me.
18 hours ago · 2
Aj Metternich I am a civilian, NRA member, and I was shot as a result of a friend "playing" with a gun when I was a kid. I could not serve my country in body but in spirit I will give my last dying breath. I have supported DAV for years and had considered spliting my yearly donations between the WWP and DAV, until this poison is purged from their organization I will stay with DAV.
18 hours ago · 2
Gene Abramshe Cars, drugs and a few buildings have played a role in suicides as well. But let's not get silly and ban donations from drug companies, car dealers and building owners.
18 hours ago · 3
Nancy Warren I am so tired of PC crap fom libturd groups that I will never ever donate a cent to WWP...get your money from obama and his little demonsat the PLAYBOY MANSION where the pervs are!! I will donate to the USO instead. I am the Mom of a US Army retiree andwife of a NAvy Vet. The USO does great work, alway has!! WWP is a front for some PC creeps.
18 hours ago · 2
McNett's DoubleTap Ammunition Until their stance is changed, no more donations to WWP from me our my company. I will donate more to HAVA.
18 hours ago · 4
Joey Griebel No more donations will be coming from this guy. What a joke
18 hours ago · 1
Annemarie Keller I will never support the WWP again!
18 hours ago · 1
Justin Rappaport Baldr Odinson is an anti-gunner, and she supports WWP. Enough said.
I'll support our troops and vets via other means.
18 hours ago · 2
Guy Patten That stops any support I would give them
18 hours ago · 1
Manny Koutouzis Donations-Done!!!!
17 hours ago via mobile
Robert V Gale you really should got on the air, and discuss this from both formats on . This subject will be great radio, and be a way to get both points across! Just ask Buddy Evans, an avid voluteer for this, and many programs!
Budroe and friends show
I was born with a turned in foot, and my parents were told I would never be an ...See More
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17 hours ago · 1
Sean Stegmaier
Home | Fisher House Foundation
Providing a"home away from home"for military families to be close to a loved one during hospitalization for an illness, disease or injury.LEARN MORE
17 hours ago · 1
Jim Kennedy I think Tom needs to grow up. If this is not a publicity stunt for Gun Talk, it's just hypocritical. Last I knew, it's not just us that support firearms ownership that also support freedom and liberty, of which neither exist if they don't exist equally, for everyone whether you like it or not.
17 hours ago · 2
Phil Tomey I am a Vet and will no longer support WWP!!!!
17 hours ago · 3
Terry Hernlund WWP made an ROI decision, not a 2A decision. Gersham stirred this pot before doing any real due diligence to find out what was really what. And in the end, vets lose. How many calls were made? Did anyone seek confirming comments from company office...See More
17 hours ago · 2
John Meredith A good reminder of why it's important to research charities before donating money, we all need to pay more attention. I wonder if there are 4 veterans who could split Steven Nardizzi's $300K salary and each make $75K doing the same work? My donations will go elsewhere, for both reasons.
17 hours ago · 2
Richard Boggs Hey Baldr Odinson, I went to your facebook page just to confirm what I thought. You are just another anti-gun nazi from the LEFT coast. Go hug a tree and leave the REAL AMERICANS alone.
16 hours ago · 3
Terry Hernlund @John Meredith - The CEOs of the USO and the Red Cross make $100k and $200k more, receptively. You'll find the same in any large charity. A good and effective CEO comes with a price tag.
16 hours ago · 2
James Cadden This needs to be cleared up. They go to SHOT show and appear on NRA news show, doesn't seem like everyone at the WWP is on the same page. Hope this is not a new policy...
15 hours ago · 1
Larry Todd Frazier Shared, this is just nutty...
15 hours ago
Tony Gamez I am no longer a supporter of the WWP.
15 hours ago via mobile · 1
Ryan Messerschmitt No more money for them. If I see them at a gun show again I will make sure they they don't get donations
15 hours ago via mobile · 1
John P Szczepanowski I would encourage all to read WWP financial report.They offer resources and outings. Oh they have also help wounded vets get Springfield rifles in the past so they are also hypocrites.
Wounded Warrior Project
The greatest casualty is being forgotten
15 hours ago via mobile
Chris Taylor The CEO's for the USO and Red Cross don't put their logos on shirts for profit or try to sue other companies with the same mission! And when was the last time you saw anyone form WWP at a terminal greeting returning veterans form the desert like the USO does? You cannot compare a for profit business like WWP with the the USO or Red Cross.
15 hours ago · 3
Esteban Masanis WOW!! Can you say backpedal? I can tell you this not one more cent to you guys in any way shape or form! I would not be surprise if we find out these people voted for Obama!
14 hours ago · 1
Michael Molnar Go to Rogue Corps page. It is a non profit organization that helps wounded warriors get back out on the range. Please look at the page and see if it worth your donation. I think they do great work.
14 hours ago · 1
Sandra Kay-Partin DuBose Larrington As a vets wife and daughter i have a hard time saying WWP is worthless. They have done things to help (my husband for one) HOWEVER we are also gun owners. As a radio show they have every right to ask for an interview. The text from WWP stated that they...See More
14 hours ago via mobile · 2
Rocky Ford I'm glad I saw this. I was going to make a donation to WWP but I'll stick with The Salvation Army. More of every dollar they receive goes to the needy anyway.
13 hours ago · 2
Erik Larson Yep. Another gun owner no longer interested in supporting WWP. As pointed out by a friend "If you want to help our military, veterans, and their families, please support the Fisher House: "
Home | Fisher House Foundation
Providing a"home away from home"for military families to be close to a loved one during hospitalization for an illness, disease or injury.LEARN MORE
13 hours ago · 2
Bill Conrad Thank you Jim Wilson for calling our attention to this, my company will not be supporting the WWP as a result of this, and I will post links to all of this for my customers and my followers.
13 hours ago
Eric Battenfield Kerri, No they are not taking money away from veterans. People will instead donate to organizations who give a much greater percentage of the donations to the veterans and not to internal salaries so moving money from WWP to other organizations actually increases the benefit to our wounded veterans.
13 hours ago · 4
Dennis Hurley Upsetting and disappointing. The WWP and their PR director really screwed up this time. The WWP should start with firing their PR director, apologizing to the gun community, and apologize to the veterans the are supposed to represent. Not allowing t...See More
12 hours ago · 1
William Coonradt Thats the last time WWP gets any of my money...truly disappointing
11 hours ago · 1
Lance Nutt
Supports the needs of our nations veterans and first responders, and their rights to bear arms, for sport and protection.
Sheep Dog Impact Assistance | Helping others is a way of life.
To provide a civilian framework through which trained emergency and military per...See More
11 hours ago via mobile · 1
Shay Fowler Apparently the WWP is now also against rope. And knives. If a person is determined to commit suicide, they'll find a way.
11 hours ago · 1
Shay Fowler There are too many conflicts here that bother me. As another poster pointed out, WWP actually sold a Citadel Wounded Warrior Project 1911 commemorative gun. They sponsor hunts. I'm thinking that their "PR" person screwed up. I'll wait until there is an official response before I pull my monthly donations.
10 hours ago · 3
Peter Christian Doomanis I have long supported WWP - I find their stance a profound and utter disappointment.
10 hours ago · 1
Barry Dworak " I'm thinking that their "PR" person screwed up." If this is a screw-up, I'd expect her to be summarily fired, an official retraction and apology issued by the organization, and an interview with Tom Gresham on his next show. Short of that, one has to assume that she was representing the organization.
2 hours ago
Tony Romano I refuse to commit to donate $19.00 a month like they want but I have given them donations as I can afford it. I will now STOP giving to this charity. I refuse to give to ANY anti-gun organization period!
2 hours ago
Shay Fowler If this is truly their policy, WWP needs to explain this,
Citadel Wounded Warrior Project 1911
Just got home and cleaned it up to make a vid. 45 acp, matte black with white ac...See More
about an hour ago
Shay Fowler I'm thinking that "leslie" needs to be fired.
about an hour ago
David Fischer The WWP does have the right to refuse the request. However they should be prepared to pay for it as most have posted here. I will still support the WWP for respect of our veterans. However I will no longer do it with my money. With my funds I will support the DAV. This lady needs to resign.
57 minutes ago
Jared Verbois Well, if I was ever going to donate to WWP, I'm not now.
35 minutes ago
Donna Balius The Fisher House is now the recipient of my monthly donation thanks to Ms. Coleman,
11 minutes ago via mobile
Bill Buchsbaum The WWP obviously doesn't need or want the support of this gun-owning Vietnam veteran.
5 minutes ago