Winchester Self Loading



Been trying (unsuccessfully) to find cartridge case dimensions on the .401 Win. Need to form some brass. There must be some specs out there, but so far, no luck. Anybody know a place to look? Thanks...
saami..has drawings for both chamber and case of most ....
... .401 Win. Need to form some brass. ...
My copy of _Designing and Forming Custom Cartridges for Rifles and Handguns_ by Ken Howell has a dimensional drawing that is less detailed but does not contradict the link already provided.

However, the book also includes the following note under this cartridge: "Form from .35 Remington or .303 Savage brass, in respective RCBS form dies."

If that provides any additional help, I don't know. Good luck.
Since the .401 is a sort of semi-rimmed case with the same rim diameter as the .35 Rem it'd likely be the best case to start with unless you're into turning the rims off of the .303 Savage case and cutting an extractor groove. BUT, the head of the .35 Rem case above the extractor groove is 0.025" larger than on the .401 WSL so some serious brass moving will likely be needed. A heavy duty press is probably going to be needed to do the work. If you can find a copy of Howell's book Designing and Forming Custom Cartridges it has case length, rim, case head, and case mouth dimensions, and since it's a straight (slightly tapered) case that should be all that's needed. That's assuming that the body of the .35 Rem case isn't too thick where the mouth of the .401 case will be.

Finding .35 Rem cases will likely be easier than finding .303 Savage cases, and less expensive too.

There's an outfit in Idaho I think that has a lot of oddball brass too, but I can't remember the company's name. Maybe there's someone who knows it.
If their still around Old West Scrounger had some at one time. I ordered loaded ammo from them.
If you've gotta form cases, might try the 6.5x52 "Carcano" case as a starter -- Norma makes them. Couple reasons: (1) They're closer to the correct diameter, and (2) the web, in the Norma version anyway, is incredibly long. If you have to turn that long extractor taper/groove, the Carcano should easily take the pressure afterwards. On the downside, the rim of the Carcano isn't as thick, or quite as big in diameter, by about .010. Probably won't matter.

For practical purposes, the 6.5x54 M-S case should work as well. Book says it's a little thicker in the body diameter, but IIRC, it's the same as the Carcano, at least, from Norma.

As always, if you want to try, get a couple cases from somewhere & see what's involved before buying 100 pieces.
MAKE FROM 9,3 X 72R. Turn rimto .457" dia. and back chamfer. Cut case to 1.55" and taper expand to .410" dia. Trim to length and size in .401 die with the expander removed. I.D. neck ream. Chamfer and F/L size. Fireform in chamber.
(quote) The Handloaders Manual of Cartridge Conversions by John Donnelly
Have investigated reforming brass and have several good routes to pursue, BUT, anyone have any experience with new brass from Quality Cartridge in Hollywood, MD? They sell direct (for less than Midway and/or Graf's,BTW) but are currently out of stock as is Midway and Graf's. Quality tells me it'll be the first of the year before they produce another run of brass for the WSL's and I'm willing to wait, but thought I'd investigate as to the quality first. I hesitate to buy old ammo (especially .35 and .401) as it has been out of production for so long and the brass may be tired (especailly for reloading). FWIW, OWS is (or was) selling reformed brass for the WSL's with various headstamps (7.62x39for one) and I'm not that desperate, yet...