Varmint Al

Charles E

You've done a number of FEA analyses that seem to have disappeared from the Internet -- some originally posted here on BR Central.

The article on your homepage

covers many things for a typical 6mmPPC, but not, as I read it, the interaction of the stock and rests.

You did make & post one for a (typical) rimfire stock, the second post the thread found at:

Do you have one for a centerfire rifle, using *about* the parameters of a 10.5 6mm PPC, fired free recoil?

Though maybe I'm asking the wrong questions: What I'm curious about is (1) some explanation for the observed phenomena that a "softer" set of sandbags results in less vertical spread on target, and (2) that any taper to the buttstock (with a rifle fired free recoil) will show up as vertical with even a slight difference in recoil position of the stock when the bullet clears the muzzle.

Can FEA modelling shed any light on these? Any help most appreciated,


This is on Esten's Rifle Page that you provided the link to. I think this is what you were looking for. The rests were 1/4" thick Teflon. I don't have the mechanical properties of different grades of sand in sandbags. The forearm is not loading the forward rest after about 0.45 ms. As the rifle tries to rotate about the CG, the butt-stock increases its load on the rear rest. There is also on the same page a series of calculations on the placement of the front rest and the difference in POI.

Sometimes a number of my posts were removed from here when the threads got messy. I can't help that.
Good Hunting... from Varmint Al
But you gotta know that your posts were not removed because of the content. I knew how much time you spent on those threads and almost let the problems exist for that reason. Sadly, they just got too bad to continue.