The Accurate Rifle Magazine - Precision Shooting Magazine



As I recall,this replaced Tactical shooter for a few years.
I finally got all my old issues together and found there were 55 total - starting with November 2000 ( Volume 3 #10 -???) and ended with May 2005 ( Volume 8 #4).
In the last issue,Brennan stated they were losing money,so he pulled the plug and converted remaining subscriptions to Precision Shooting.
I would suspect they are hurting with Precision Shooting now.That magazine has gotten much thinner the last few years.
Over the years I have subscribed to both AR and PS as well as the Varmint Hunting Magazine. I quit the first two because the content became rather samey and rather thin. I quit the last one because in the 4 years I subscribed they never managed to get a whole years worth of issues sent to me. For some reason they used a distributor based in German rather than sending the magazines direct. Whenever I chased them regarding non-delivery the publishers would blame the distributor and the distributor would blame the publisher. I called time on the whole farce after they missed 3 deliver dates on the trot.

Now I suppose we could simply do it all online. But theres nothing quite like sitting on the loo reading a good magazine whilst waiting for that morning bowel movement to happen.
I prefer to use toilet tissue paper unless there's a bidet handy.........
I prefer to use toilet tissue paper unless there's a bidet handy.........

I've gotta agree, that magazine paper is too slick to work very well.... Must make a mess on a tablet too. :eek: :D:D
I've been wondering where my issue of PS is for this month, and just KNEW I'd sent a check into renew the subscription. Looked back through the check register and apparently I didn't. With the way the magazine has unfortunately gotten with maybe one or two good articles per issue I guess my Freudian slip is showing or something like that.
Precision Shooting is a misnomer. Its got to where there is very little in the mag that intrest the BR shooter. The editor seems to be more intrested in literatury talent than precision shooting. Many of the articles are very well written but have very little to do with extreme accuracy. If the mag dont relate to accuracy the they shoild re-name it
I have a collection of Precision Shooting that goes back to 1990 and is missing only a half dozen issues.
The best issues are those from about 1995 thru 2006.The last 2-3 years are pretty poor.Most issues have only one
good article in them,so I dropped my subscription last year.
I used to like to read Bill Calfee's articles on rimfires and Dick Wright's articles on benchrest and Jackpine Savages!
I subscribe to PS, PR, and varmint Hunter,I find articles in all three that are of interest to me pertaining to BR shooting.
Ifeel that this is all we have and I would not like to see any of these go down.
With Tony Boyers,Mike Radigan, and Glen Newick's books about every thing has been covered about benchrest. I still manage to find something to interest me, but if it wasn't part of the membership fee I wouldn't subscribe to either one.
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Personally I think the printed magazine has had its day. thanks to the technology and personal reading habits having changed dramatically over the last 5 years.

Its a pity that they don't channel those cost savings into funding some better writers.