Springfield Armory Scope



Some time back I purchased a centerfire rifle that had a Springfield Armory 4x14 5.56 scope on it. I have the owners manual for it but I was wondering if this is a well made scope because they aren't manufactured anymore. I also was curious about the value.

Very top of the line when they first came out and very nice scopes. Look on e-bay for used pricing, the last time I looked there were a few still there.

Very top of the line when they first came out and very nice scopes. Look on e-bay for used pricing, the last time I looked there were a few still there.


They were/are excellent scopes. One with a 40 MM objective will sel for approx $275-300. With a 56 MM objective approx $50 more. Good luck. (Average prices on GunBroker for the past few years)
the idea was a good scope, the execution was something else....no where near "top of the line"
on my springfield M1A, i'd take a shot, and with each sucsessive shot the windage would move one click..so shots strung left to right.
not much fun. very clear, nice price, but in the end it went away( after it was repaired)
mike in co
Some time back I purchased a centerfire rifle that had a Springfield Armory 4x14 5.56 scope on it. I have the owners manual for it but I was wondering if this is a well made scope because they aren't manufactured anymore.

Notoriously unreliable. I wouldn't have one, and I wouldn't pay $200 for one, because it's suspect. So, I'm not your buyer. What you want is a buyer who thinks highly of them. As you can see, the jury is split. :)
if the scope was so good and so well made, and was priced right why are the not longer made???

( cause they suck in the reliability deprtment)
Those of you who were having issues with your scopes were they the 1st generation, 2nd generation or 3rd generation Government Models. In regards to the 3rd generation 4X14X56 that I can attest too is an exceptional scope with the clearest optics I had seen when first introduced and it still holds true today for this particular scope. It has been reliable and is still in service. It is mounted on a custom 300 Weatherby Magnum for hunting purposes and has been for more than 13 years and there have not been any issues with windage or elevation changes due to recoil. I think the prices given are on the low side and would look at those currently on e-bay from 540.00 to over 1100.00 depending on what generation you have and draw your own conclusions.


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your pricing info is sorta one sided..those are asking prices, not bid nor paid prices...real life is a bit different.

i do not know the gen of my scope.....it was a 30mm tube 4x14 56....so none of the 1" stuff, none of the 6x stuff......

yes it was clear.........it was 15 plus yrs ago.....

i guess if you get a good one they are worth the money, but i don't gamble much....

mike in co
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There were a couple of the 3rd generations that went for good money and there used to be quite a few more listed but don't have clue what happened to those. If I had one such as Mike got on the rifle and was still a hunter I sure would give it a run for the money before I would ever think of getting rid of it.

I still have the scope but I took it off of my 40x and put on a Ruger 77mk2 in 270. I don't plan on selling it I was just curious what it was worth. It works real well on the 270.

Thanks for all of the replies.
