Something to consider


Andy Cross

My riflesmith recently sent a stock away to be hydrographics coated. A simple glossy black. It is supposed to be tougher than paint and adds a little less weight. But if they stuff it up which they did it is virtually impossible to remove without damaging the stock. So It doesn't look like I'll be shooting the new BR rifle any day soon. Another stock is required which has to come from the US. I will be painting the new one. Something to consider when these new wonderful technologies come on the market.
Try replacing "stuff" with any word that comes to mind beginning with "f".

We Aussies are somewhat reticent when it comes to expletives.
In this case

What does "stuff it up" mean?

In this case stuffed it up means. It wasn't black more a very dark grey. It wasn't glossy more of a satin finish and it had what looked like a crease or fold in it. Apart from that it was a pretty good job. So now the wit begins all over again. So for those shooters out there considering a hydrographics coating seriously consider who is going to do it.
OK, "hydrographics" is dye on a water soluble emulsion, a does ONE thing, it carries a pattern which can be transferred to a substrate. The substrate cab be well nigh anything, a hardhat, a tin cup, a water bottle......... the problem is, when you apply the pattern it doesn't cover. It's a pattern. so you must produce a background upon which to place the pattern.

You PAINT the stock using automotive paint, this is called the basecoat. If you put a flame pattern over a white basecoat, white will show thru. If you put black down, black will show through. If you put purple down, well you get the idea.

Now you lay a sheet of water soluble emulsion on water. Nothing weird nor tricky, WATER, like this > <

Now you clearcoat over it.... with automotive clear.

That's it. It's no more nor less durable than the paint job.
No Pattern

I know how ithe process works. I've seen several video clips on it. The issue I have is that even though the coating is opaque and you can't see the base color of the stock showing through it isn't black. It isn't glossy and shows defects. If it isn't possible to get a dense black with a glossy finish they should have just said so and not taken on the job and buggered the stock. As far as the defects are concerned well I suppose that's always going to be an option if their incompetent.
I know how ithe process works. I've seen several video clips on it. The issue I have is that even though the coating is opaque and you can't see the base color of the stock showing through it isn't black. It isn't glossy and shows defects. If it isn't possible to get a dense black with a glossy finish they should have just said so and not taken on the job and buggered the stock. As far as the defects are concerned well I suppose that's always going to be an option if their incompetent.

I'll opine that you hired incompetents :)

"Black" film stretches when it encounters curves and corners.... it thins and goes grey, anyone trying to dip for a consistent black is incompetent IMO.

BLACK should be painted.


Try replacing "stuff" with any word that comes to mind beginning with "f".

We Aussies are somewhat reticent when it comes to expletives.

Actually John, the word you're searching for is "limited" not reticent ;) those six expletives you've got get used rather frequently!


Incompetence or just don't care

I'll opine that you hired incompetents :)

"Black" film stretches when it encounters curves and corners.... it thins and goes grey, anyone trying to dip for a consistent black is incompetent IMO.

BLACK should be painted.



When they knew exactly what was required and never mentioned that it was impossible to achieve they are either imcompetent or they just don't care. Either one or the other seems to becoming more and more prevalent these days. You would think with the way the economy is they would be more careful with their clientele.
But no matter how you look at it as a result of this I won't be back shooting BR this year.