Product review -Motana Extreme copper killer



Finishing up at the range today I decided to use the Montana Extreme that had just arrived from Sinclair.
I checked the label instructions and noticed a warning of "strong fumes".
Wow, I wonder what that is about. Unscrewing the cap and holding the bottle in my left hand, I took a big whiff close to my nose.
SWEET JESUS IN THE MORNING !!! My knees buckled. I thought I was maced.
Snot and tears were running down my face. I'm sure all the hair is gone in my left nostril. Hell, I think it cleared the hair out of my left ear.
It's like a wet paint have to touch it to see if it's dry yet.
I know one thing, there's no copper in my nose anymore.:D
There's something about Darwin's ideas...........
True enough. And with 10 billion of us, a little population thinning probably isn't a bad thing... Don't know if you Oz-ites know how nature corrects an overpopulation of prairie dogs in the ain't pretty.
Charles PLEASE now your starting to sound like the REGIMEN! Fishbone I think the 50 BMG works a little better but I think I got the last bottle.

Joe Salt
Sweet's 7.62 has a rather hefty kick to the olfactory senses too.
Well if nothing else that gave me a good laugh to start the day with.
Fishbone you should consider posting that on the humor forum.
Well if nothing else that gave me a good laugh to start the day with.
Fishbone you should consider posting that on the humor forum.
I don't know if you guys and gals know this or not but it is NEVER a good idea to stick your nose in anything!!

It is common in the chemical world to "sweep" unknown odors from the source to your nose with your free hand. This dilutes the incoming fumes. Ammonia, BTW, can cause irreparable damage to our smell sensors.
Montana Ex will cure kids of "huffing"!!!

The Darwin thing was a little harsh. Jeeeeze.
Reminds me of the story about the guy that just had to pee on the electric fence to see if it was really hot.

Do you need an explaination of amorphous amonia(oil emersion) vs acquous amonia (water emersion). It seems that amorphous amonia can more than double the molecular strength of amonia saturation. One does not have the same oxidation(pitting of steel) issues with the stronger oil based amonia solution. Copper removal has never been better than with the Montana products. I am not sure since Western Powders bought the Montana line it is as good as when Danny Huffman was mixing it up and selling it like snake oil.

It is still the best product currently available for removing copper from rifle barrels.
Nat Lambeth
.....when Danny Huffman was mixing it up and selling it like snake oil.

It is still the best product currently available for removing copper from rifle barrels.
Nat Lambeth

Nate, what are Dan and Linda doing now? Haven't heard anything about them in over a year.