News Media/Anti's

Dave Coots

64 Chevy 409 10.42 129

NBC News article. The first paragraph states, "Gun-control advocates responded with outrage and disbelief Friday after the National Rifle Association called for armed guards in every school and blamed music, movies and video games for firearms violence."

I agree 100% with that statement and would add parents and some of the teachings in schools should be on that list also.

It looks like the other side is dead set against any of the ideas above. What do the anti's want to do besides disarming innocent people, put a counselor at the door for the shooter to talk to? Or maybe someone with a slingshot?

There is no middle ground IMO if that statement is where the anti's truely stand. They will back door us at every opportunity.

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It's all because of guns! That's why everyone who visits this site has either been in prison for murder or is on some wanted poster somewhere! That has to be correct because the lamestream media knows that all gun owners are incipient murderers/criminals.

The only problem with that little scenario is that it's all wrong. If there are 100,000,000 gun owners in the country (about 1 in 3 people owning guns) and say 20,000 murders and suicides with guns every year the rate is 0.02%. Since most gun owners are law abiding citizens, and since murderers frequently don't stop with one killing unless they kill themselves or are killed by a citizen or the police, the percentage of people who actually commit murders with guns is likely well below that small percentage.

I realize that being shot makes a person much deader than being stabbed, beaten, strangled, or poisoned to death though. Consequently the feeble minded believe that banning guns will solve all the problems with crime in this country. And it will - for the criminals who won't have to worry about being shot by some irate homeowner or shopkeeper.

BTW I read the local paper every day, and in Montana the incidence of murder is pretty low as well as the incidence of murder with firearms. Stabbings and beatings seem to be right up there though. You'd think that will all the guns in Montana and a shall issue law that there'd be gunshot victims all over the place. As my wife tells me the average subject is too stupid to understand anything more complicated than 1+1=3.