Ah, it's fixed. Thank you! Blah still having trouble loading images.
Nice turnout this morning. Conditions were difficult to get a handle on for the first match and the second match was chaos. Nice to have BobS back.
Dennis tied JoeF! Bobbie beat an Annie in Sportsman!
Match 1
Match 2

Thanks Perry.

Link to scoresheet: https://scores.national50.net/match_schedule.php
Thanks to Tim (Mac1) for helping Joe score and bringing good air.
Thank you JoeF for gifting us your facilities and more.
Thank you Vipha for feeding the boys!
N50: https://www.national50.net/
FB N50: https://www.facebook.com/50National/
AirGunNation: https://www.airgunnation.com/forums/benchrest.558872/
Benchrest Central: https://benchrest.com/forum/forums/airgun-benchrest.19/
Nice turnout this morning. Conditions were difficult to get a handle on for the first match and the second match was chaos. Nice to have BobS back.
Dennis tied JoeF! Bobbie beat an Annie in Sportsman!
Match 1
Match Details
Match 2
Match Details

Thanks Perry.

Link to scoresheet: https://scores.national50.net/match_schedule.php
Thanks to Tim (Mac1) for helping Joe score and bringing good air.
Thank you JoeF for gifting us your facilities and more.
Thank you Vipha for feeding the boys!
N50: https://www.national50.net/
FB N50: https://www.facebook.com/50National/
AirGunNation: https://www.airgunnation.com/forums/benchrest.558872/
Benchrest Central: https://benchrest.com/forum/forums/airgun-benchrest.19/