Looks like a fair deal on a reloading bench

Design would require one to have to stand up the whole time. Fine if you're only banging a few rounds out, not so good if you want to do a decent production run. I prefer to sit when weighing power. when ever possible.
You would have to drop one set of draws and loose the shelf. Loosing the shelf would reduce the stability unless you fixed the whole thing to a wall.
If you have the tools you could build your own for that price and it would fit you exactly. I used 2x4's, strong tie brackets and a single sheet of 1/2 plywood. Cut the plywood in half lengthwise and double it. I used some heavy duty woodworking glue and drywall screws to laminate the top. Lowes or Home Desperate (Depot) will typically make one cut for you no charge. If you keep the bench relatively shallow in depth then it is less likely to become filled with clutter and junk. Lag bolt it to the wall. Use corner moulding to make an edge to prevent things from rolling off. I built three this way, two in my loading room, a very large walk in closet, and another outside the room for my cleaning bench. I used a threaded insert called a T nut to bolt down my rock chucker presses. That way I can remove the press anytime I wish by just undoing the bolts.
Many lower priced benches have a 3/4" top with a 2" or 3" apron around the edge to imitate butcher block tops. This makes clamping tools to the edge very difficult.
I made my bench by gluing 2 sheets of 3/4" ply into a sandwich, topping with a sheet of Formic. Trimmed to 30" x 80" and mounted to a base of 4" x 4" legs serves me well.
My latest and likely last loading bench has 4x4 legs, 2x4 framework at the top and bottom with three pieces of 1/2" OSB topped by a piece of MDF all glued together and screwed to the top frame. My presses are mounted on pieces of 1x8 oak bolted to bench top with the grain running front to back to prevent warping or breaking the top. A coat of polyurethane on the top was all the finish applied. Another piece of 1/2" OSB is screwed to the top of the bottom frame to form a shelf and stiffen the structure, along with 1/2" OSB on both ends to prevent racking. I'm not much of a woodworker, but figure that heavy and stout is always better than light and svelte. It's the best bench I've had, and after seeing benches with light 3/4" plywood tops I wonder how they don't break or bend when a heavy duty press is installed and used for sizing or forming large cases.

For loading at the range I use a piece of 3/4 marine plywood that can be clamped to a table and works well for sizing BR and live varmint cases, so a well braced bench top of 3/4 marine (no voids in the plies) plywood would likely work for me as a bench top, but OSB and MDF are much less expensive and easier to obtain not to mention no chance of splintering.

Even with the price of wood products anymore if a guy has minimal woodworking skills and tools I think that he could build a stronger bench the exact size he needs or wants for less money.
I looked at it tonite Wilbur. I just got back from a Harbor Freight run...... it's a tight bench for the money.