Iowa 2011 matches?

The Iowa club is finished. We had a great time for 8 years.

The club produced several National Champions with multiple championships.
More than a few records.
Hosted two National Championships.
Is home to the only known Iowa Bean Squirrel.
Operated for 8 years without a single shooting accident.
NEVER had a windy day.
Had some of the best human beings on the planet who attended.
Always made each and every individual feel welcomed.
In 8 years of competition I've personally never witnessed a higher level of pure sportsmanship and a willingness to help any new shooter.
Friendships and memories from Iowa will last forever.
When I was still exploring the possibility of shooting at 1000 yards, I attended the nationals at Iowa as a spectator. After I went home I ordered a rifle and joined the Iowa club. Although the rifle never made it in time for me to compete there, I attended the matches to observe and learn. What impressed and motivated me was the comeraderie, openess towards a newbie, and good old fashioned Midwestern friendliness. Best of luck to everyone and hope to see you on the line somewhere.
So what went down with the Brownells deal. I don't need to be an authority to know that the club was going to move to Brownells when the new range was complete. Work never got started last year because Iowa got 3/4 of an inch of rain. Ok...maybe 34 inches of, as of the IBS nats it was to be finished in 2011.

So....What happened....exactly. I LOVED shooting in IA....I loved the competition....I loved the people. Enough so that I traveled 1700 miles round trip to shoot there....and will continue to do so, given the chance!!!