Inherited some powder


Andy Cross

I have just been given about 4 pounds of a propellant called PLC 508 with the Clermont brand name on it. Didn't know such a powder existed. Never seen a can of it here in Oz before. Does anyone have some idea of what burning rate it might have. I don't know whether to use it as fertilizer or see how it shoots in a field rifle if in fact I have a calibre suitable.
Made by PB Clermont. Its burn rate sits right in between Vit N130 and N133 or Vetcan SP-3 and TU2000

PB Clermont are owned by EURENCO the same group that owns Lapua.
Might try some in

Thanks for that info. I have a retired 6PPC built on a trued 40X that has been relegated to bunny busting duties. I might try some of this powder in it and see if it shoots. The rifle can still agg in the high 2's if I read the flags well.
It should work out. It should meter well.

4lbs... thats a lot of bunny busting..