This reminds me of a neighbor who, according to him, always got cars and a lot of other stuff "for less than dealer cost". Being an innocent young lad, I related this to my dad, who looked at me like I'd just crawled out from under a rock and said, "if a store sells things for less than they paid for them they'd go out of business pretty quickly". Uh, okay, I can sure understand that.
All that being said, and having limited funds I shop around for most everything I buy, and will try to find the lowest price I can for the item I need/want. Many stores have "shoppers" who check others prices and if they can will adjust their prices up or down accordingly, and I feel not the least bit sorry for store that sells an item for a higher price than its competition. I don't care if it's shoes, guns, loading components or supplies, cars, or anything else. On the other hand I certainly don't expect to walk into a store or shop and get a price lower than the one marked on the price tag. The dealer has figured out what he has to sell the item for to make a profit. I understand that there are those who view profits as wicked and evil, but if the store/dealer/shop can't make a profit he/it won't be in business when you want to buy something from them down the road. The dealer and/or his employees have bills to pay, and most like to eat on a regular basis too. What irritates me is when I feel like the object is to make as much money as absolutely possible from me. I'm not likely to give that place my custom again.