Hey Wilbur! Site usage problems?



Since last friday I have been getting the following message. "The server is too busy at the moment. Please try again later." or I get the web sites front page. If I keep clicking back and resending I eventually get where I need to go. But its a right pain.

I don't get this problem on any other forum or web site so its an glitch isolated to BRC.

I did PM you but then I remembered reading somewhere that you have turned off your PM's


Pretty sure it's fixed

Try to resist provocation either deliberate, in jest, or accidental for a while.

I'm also asking those that provoke you either deliberate, in jest, or accidental to resist for a while as well.
Weyhay! Fixed it is.............you're the man Wilbur, you are the man!

I'll do my level best on the deliberate and jest, accidental is accidental.
One of those trip hazards that comes along due to the medium by which we communicate(written word) and the variation in interpretation of expressions and their intent between individuals sat on opposite sides of the pond. A "you say tomato, I say potato" kind of thing.

As Wayne Rooney said to reporters following his recent return to Premier League football “Good to be back and I feel good"