Harry McGowen



According to the "Journal" a local paper to St Anne Illinoise, the ATF raided the home of Harry McGowen. His website states they are out of business permantly. I called the newsroom and the only thing they could tell me was there was some kind of licsensing problem. It is too damn bad they could not leave old Harry a lone and concentrate on real criminals. Guys like Harry are a dying breed. Any further news would be appreciated
"No details are available. Investigation ongoing". Maybe that is ATF doublespeak for "We look really, really stupid for having raided the home of an 83 year old man who has been out of business for 5 years."
I have 2 of his barrels in .30 cal and 6MM on rifles I put together in the early 80's and both are very accurate. Longest kill on a woodchuck stands at 700 yds with the 6MM barrel (Ackley Imp. with heavy contour).
Sorry to hear about Harry being invaded but if things go the way I think it will he is only the first of many.
That's what I thought and I went to the site prior to posting the question and did not see anything stating they were permenatly out of bussiness or otherwise.

I don't believe Harry is involved with the company any more.

Harry sold his barrel making business to a group who moved it to Montana. When I talked to him he was still smithing with his sons in St. Anne, Il.