gun show economics....or what does it look like ...


mike in co

i did a gun show the weekend before the elections.
slow to ok on sat, they bought me out on sunday...last gun show sunday before elections. this is reverse of a normal show. people buy on sat and look on sunday. this actually happened the week before in another city..big time buying on was thier last gun show(local) prior to the elections.

so this weekend..first gun show post elections.....
i stuck around on sunday because we actually have a contract with the show promoter to man our tables all hours, both days.
promoter saw how empty my tables were and actually said i could leave early.
i did not see any price increases by sellers, we had three shows up and down I25,,cheyenne, loveland and colorado springs.
if the us economy was based on gun show sales, then we are in great shape..but as we know it just aint so.
more and more of my sales are credit card based........

mike in co
more and more of my sales are credit card based........

mike in co

Interesting that bit. Those concerned about big brother (big brotha?) watching would seem to be inclined to pay cash. Those who accumulate airline miles and the like would whip out the credit card. (Guilty on occasion...but not at this sort of sales venue.) Those who think they can just declare bankruptcy and stick the rest of us with their welching would whip out the credit card. The latter category is gaining lots and lots of new members. Heck, the US Government "leads" the way in spending money it doesn't have.

On the left coast, the shows are pretty damned pathetic. If you exclude the vendors selling jerky and dream catchers, you could probably put many of these shows inside a double wide trailer. Still, a trip to the crummiest gun show beats a trip to the movies to support Hollywood and their agenda. :)
my basic sales are up about 25% based on the ability to take credit cards....the last two weeks it has been about 50-75% some of these are just checking debit cards..but not all.
in our current economic state..where the value of the dollar is quite suspect...buying now while you can is not entirely a bad idea...

my transactions to not list the item..only the amount....and since i am a component company..not sure its a big deal...

mike in co

Credit is cheap right now. Especially if you play the swap your credit card for this one game. A good buddy does it every year and buys his main holiday/hunting/fishing vacation on his new credit card which then gives him 12 months interest free credit. He pays it off in full after 11months 3weeks and 3 days. Then swaps that card for another and gets another 12 months free credit.