Farley joystick



Loath as I am to ask this. Bruno has a Farley for a thousand bucks. Is it a good price. I would like to order a SEB I think.
I looked in all the searches I could find and did not find the US dealer for him. Could someone hook me up?
Thanks in advance.
Tim Thompson
Hanover PA
Tim, check this and contact the Farley Family..... $ is right.


It is true Farley lists the rest for $25 less than Lester. However if Lester says he has it on hand you will see it in a few days if you order from him. As to Farley vs Seb the Seb rests look really nice but I have tried several and none work smoothly enough to make me give up my Farley. I love my Farley but when I ordered it I expected to wait a couple months but was promised 10 day delivery, after about 8 weeks it arrived. In short Farley's shipping quotes cannot always be reliable. On the other hand I was not charged a penny till it arrived

Dick Grosbier
There were 2 SEB (not NEO) rests posted on 6mmBR.com Classifieds 2 days ago...

I have owned both...I like the SEB rest but it would not adjust low enough for our 100 yard targets...my Farley will go much lower it is my choice for that reason.

Eddie in Texas