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Butch Lambert

Active member
From: Amberlee Mucha <redjacketfirearmscasting@gmail.com>
Date: November 2, 2012 10:47:49 AM CDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Seeking Gunsmiths to Be Part of a Major Cable Television Series

To Whom It May Concern:

Hello! My name is Amberlee Mucha and I am a Casting Producer with FSAEntertainment and Red Jacket Firearms

I am currently looking for a new on camera gunsmith to join the team at Red Jacket Firearms. We are scouring the nation for the very best gunsmith to become part of our show.

I am writing you in hopes that you can pass this opportunity on to any gunsmiths you know who may be interested in the show. For more information please feel free to contact me and please see job posting below:

Red Jacket Firearms is currently looking for a new on camera gunsmith to join the team at Red Jacket Firearms. We are scouring the nation for the very best gunsmith to become part of our show. Position is paid.

Are you an expert Gunsmith? Do your repairs and designs leave your customers in awe?
Are you unmatched in your craftsmanship?

Applicants Must Be at Least 21 years old and have experience as a professional gunsmith.

To Apply Please Contact Us At redjacketfirearmscasting@gmail.com Please Include the Following:

Your Name, Age, Location and Contact info

* A description of your gun expertise and a copy of your resume

* Your experience and training as a gunsmith

* Tell us why you’re the best choice for the RJF team and our show.

Thank You,
Amberlee S. M. Mucha
Casting Producer
FSA Entertainment

(213) 915-6044 Office
(213) 402-2647 Fax

I've been laughing all afternoon. Maybe we could get rich.
From: Amberlee Mucha <redjacketfirearmscasting@gmail.com>
Date: November 2, 2012 10:47:49 AM CDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Seeking Gunsmiths to Be Part of a Major Cable Television Series

To Whom It May Concern:

Hello! My name is Amberlee Mucha and I am a Casting Producer with FSAEntertainment and Red Jacket Firearms

I am currently looking for a new on camera gunsmith to join the team at Red Jacket Firearms. We are scouring the nation for the very best gunsmith to become part of our show.

I am writing you in hopes that you can pass this opportunity on to any gunsmiths you know who may be interested in the show. For more information please feel free to contact me and please see job posting below:

Red Jacket Firearms is currently looking for a new on camera gunsmith to join the team at Red Jacket Firearms. We are scouring the nation for the very best gunsmith to become part of our show. Position is paid.

Are you an expert Gunsmith? Do your repairs and designs leave your customers in awe?
Are you unmatched in your craftsmanship?

Applicants Must Be at Least 21 years old and have experience as a professional gunsmith.

To Apply Please Contact Us At redjacketfirearmscasting@gmail.com Please Include the Following:

Your Name, Age, Location and Contact info

* A description of your gun expertise and a copy of your resume

* Your experience and training as a gunsmith

* Tell us why you’re the best choice for the RJF team and our show.

Thank You,
Amberlee S. M. Mucha
Casting Producer
FSA Entertainment

(213) 915-6044 Office
(213) 402-2647 Fax

I've been laughing all afternoon. Maybe we could get rich.

Not sure what the Guys/Gal at RJF make , But Troy "Choot'em Lizbeth" of Swamp people and his boys make 25K per episode according to the article in the paper, That's fare GRITS......
Butch, I'm torn..... I cain't figger if attracting this sort of attention reflects well on you??? Or poorly....

I'll let The Lord decide


Being able to make a drop in AR piston kit run correctly should be a prerequisite. I don't think any of the current batch at Red Jacket would know what to do with a benchrest rifle though.
If you’re capable of snapping two Leggo blocks together…..the pool of smiths who qualify for job placement there is quite large.

I quit watching that show after I saw the owner chastising a guy chambering a barrel for wanting a depth gauge to assist in measuring headspace. The owner said "I check it by eye, don't need no expensive tools".
I stopped watching when the owner lifted his shirt to show the world his prized jail house tatoo. That was enough for me!!!!
Truth be known, I think they are looking for a new FFL holder - They keep misplacing guns and getting the ones they work under revoked.