Change happens, part 2

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In anwserto Danny Brooks questions


You ask where I'm coming from? Why I have these views ? Really a good question.

First I'm a 69 year old woman. I first started shooting when I was going to college (1962). I was on the rifle team and did quite well. For the most part I've been shooting off and on for 50+ years. I live in Oregon and own a 120 acre farm/ranch.
I have worked my entire life and am now retired living on Social Security. (I guess I'm one of those 47 ½ % slacker, parasites) of course I worked 40+ years to earn it. Same for Medicare having paid into it since it became law.
One of the advantages of being retired is I have time (other than farm work) to watch C-SPAN.
To see that actual workings (or not workings) of the last congress. Time to watch CNN, MSNBC and (yes) Fox News.

In the last 4 years I have seen Obama try to bring good bills to congress, to try and get things moving again, only to be constantly blocked by the Republicans, solely for the one reason to make him look so bad, that he would be a one term president. Now I know a lot of you would disagree with me. (I've made up my mind, don't confuse me with the facts). Although watching C-SPAN is like watching paint dry it is very informative.. Then comparing it to what Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC say. They all put some spin on it. But Fox New is the worst.
At 69 years I've seen the years come and go. Different presidents, different administrations, etc.
By far "W" was the worst, an Iraqi war that was not needed, 5,000 Americans killed, 30,000 wounded, and trillions wasted. The banking and wall street left unregulated and near collapse. This is what Obama inherited, and rather than working together to fix all this, the country became more divided, for the above reason.

I could stand on my soap box and type in another 1000 words and I know I'm not going to change anyone's views. It's just the passing years have opened my eyes. When I was younger I was a right winger, a member of the NRA, and a law and order person. Black and white and that is the way it is ! Now the years have shown me that there are shades of gray in between.

As far as shooting, I do long range F class shooting, reload my own ammo, and own a bunch of guns.
We've been sold a lot of "grey" over the years haven't we? I've found myself kicking beetles out the back door rather than just stomping their guts out. On the other hand, I'll smash a spider or a wasp everytime as there may be consequences.
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