Austin Rifle club - Match results - Jan 28, 2024

ARC - 100 yd Match for Score
17 shooters - 11 VFS, 3 Hunter, 3 Factory

After a week of clouds and rain, we got sunny skies in the 50's and a steady 8-10 north wind blowing in our face. These past few matches have this pattern.
Factory class was dominated by Norman Luther , 245-8X, shooting a Rem 700 in 223. Won all 5 targets. Hunter Rifle top score was 246-6X shot by Tommy Maedgen and his 30 BR. Gallaher bros gave Tommy a chase but no contest.
VFS top 3 places were the only ones with 250's. Steve Brown was 3rd with 250-14X. It's a tie for 1st place at 250-16X between Don Mulhall and Charles Moore. Tiebreaker is high score in Match #1 so Charles wins by his beginning 50-5X score. Strong starter.

Awards were passed out to the High Score of the Year after the match. High Factory - Paul Shanklin 245-7X ; Hunter - Tommy Maedgen 247-15X.
And pleased to announce a 3 way Tie for VFS High Score. At 250-21 X's were Marlon Goates, Larry Kochowicz, and Steve Brown. Special honors goes to Steve Brown for most VFS wins this year, 6 wins. Shows for some good competition with high scores.

Next match - Feb 25th starts at noon. March Match will be moved up 1 week to24th due to Easter Sunday.
Good match today cept for the muddy field.
Steve Krause, Benchrest Match Director


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