Austin Rifle Club - Match results - Feb 25, 2024

ARC 100 yd Benchrest Match for Score
20 Shooters - 13 VFS, 3 Hunter, 4 Factory

Sunny day with enough wind to blow your hat off. SW breeze 10-15 mph brought havoc to most shooters today with only 2 shooting clean 250's.
The duel of the Hunter rifles resulted in John Gallaher getting 1st prize with a 247-6X. Tommy Maedgen limped in for 2nd place score of 242-2X.
Factory rifle class was won again this month by Norman Luther and his Savage in 223 shooting 243-5X. 2nd was Jon Aronson at 238-1X and 3rd place was John Price.
As stated, most of us mortals dropped points due to the switchy wind. 1st place VFS came down to a tie at 250-14X between Bill Sparks and Steve Brown. Sparks takes the win as his 1st Match score was 1X better than Big Steve's. 3rd place was Marlon Goates at 249-15x, who was on a tear till a bad 4th match. Gotta give a shout out to Don Mulhall. He won 3 best targets of 50-5X and posted the most X's at18 !! Just slow getting out of the gate.
Good shooting everyone and good to have some warmer weather back. month the match will be a week earlier on March 24th due to Easter on the 31st. Starts at noon...MARCH 24 !!
See ya'll then
Steve Krause, Match Director


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