Austin Rifle Club - Match Results Apr 28, 2024 - Mulhall Wins Tiebreaker for the Win !

ARC - 100 yd Match for Score
10 Shooters - 7 VFS, 3 Hunter

After the nasty rain moved through early, nothing but calm conditions, no rain, no mirage....IT WAS A TRIGGER PULL. Best conditions for a complete Match that we've had in the last 2 years. I tried hard to beat Old Man Mulhall but could only get a tie. Big Don beat me on the tiebreaker with us both shooting 250-20X. Third place VFS goes to Raymond Brown with an excellent 250-15X. Which, just so happens that was 1X better than his dad, Big Steve Brown. Looks like 6 of the 7 VFS scores were clean, but Bob Maedgen still suffering from shoulder surgery had a valid excuse.
Hunter rifles tried hard to knock Tommy Maedgen off his 1st place run but fell short. Tommy takes bragging rights with a 246-10X. At a close 2nd was Charles Moore posting a 244-11X and Larry Neal had 239-8x's.
With only 10 shooters, the match went fast at 1hr 30 min. Everyone enjoyed the pleasant conditions.
Next month the match will be on May 26, Memorial Day weekend. We start our summer start time of 10am.
Good fun and good shooting today by all.
Steve Krause
Benchrest Match Director


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