Thinking of converting one of my 6PPCs.
Thanks for any information!
Thanks for any information!
There was an article by Lou Murdica. I think it is on http://www.6mmbr.com , but I'm not sure.
The amount of prep work is identical, and the smaller radius at the bottom of the neck should result in less case growth for hot loads. Perhaps you might want to start a thread asking for results from .22 Beggs shooters, and/or call Gene Beggs. He is a fine fellow, and will give you any information that you need.
I am building a lightweight 220Beggs for a plinking rifle?
I have talked at length to Gene about both the 220 and 6mm Beggs. There is no case prep necessary for the 220 Beggs just load and fire, The only prep needed for the 6mm Beggs is to neck up to 6mm. He recommends using athe no turn versions therefore no turning is necessary. The 220 Beggs has an almost identical powder capacity of a 22 PPC .100 short if I remember our conversation correctly.
220 Beggs needs no case prep. The 22-100 short needs a lot of prep.
So would either a 22PPC or a 220BEGGs be no case prep?
Standard 22PPC would not need prep though correct. You would load 220 brass and fire form?
Al, thanks for the kind words about the Beggs cartridge system. I do not stock the chambering reamers but Dave Kiff does. He is very familiar with the cartridges and can supply the gunsmith with whatever he needs. I have the resizing dies and seaters in stock for both the 220 and 6mm. The bodies are the same on both; .4420 at the back, .4010 at the shoulder and the radius at the junction of the neck and shoulder is .060. Neck diameter is whatever the shooter wants. For a no-turn, walking-around rifle I like a .257 neck in the 220 and a .274 for the 6mm. For benchrest use I would suggest a tight-neck chamber of .250 for the 220 and .269 for the 6. There is nothing magic about the Beggs cartridges vs., the PPC; they both use the great Lapua 220 Russian case. The thing about the Beggs cartridge is that everything was designed to work together as a system. Everything fits! Is it as accurate as the PPC? Yes! It's every bit as accurate but not more than. Final results are determined by the quality of the barrel, bullets and gunsmith work.
When Butch Lambert gets his 'walking-around' rifle finished, I hope he will give us his comments.
Gene Beggs