Any thoughts you might have


Andy Cross

I recently inherited Dads .243 700 BDL because he had to go into health care. So I am going to rebuild it in the same manner he was going to. Trued and sleeved, glued into a McMillan stock. Probably a narrower forend of the hunter class type. Inch and a half straight cylinder barrel and retain the Rem BR type trigger. I have an 8x-32x Nightforce to drop on top. Question with a barrel that weight should I get the sleeve made out of brass instead of the usual aluminium to gain better balance. I don't think that type of stock has the facility to insert a weight system in the butt stock. Any thoughts you guys might have would I am sure be interesting.
Since you are rebarrelling, are you going to choose a caliber more useful for bench rest or is this a straight varmint project? Aluminum is pretty darn stiff, and some gunsmiths may have a sleeve already made up. Could be an expensive project, however.
Only a varminter

Well it will only be used as a long range varminter for field use. Would only be using it on properties where I could use a 243's longer range capabilities. A hunter class stock with its narrower forend would be more suitable in the field. Dads idea behind the inch and a half barrel was that more metal takes longer to heat up. You often have the opportunity to fire a number of shots in quick succession popping varmints. A bit like a runner in BR and a 243 can heat things up much faster than a PPC. So the balance issue comes up. The cost of the project is really irrelevant.
I would do a post in the "Gunsmith's Corner" forum and ask if anyone out there is still doing sleeving work. Then I would call whoever responds and have an in-depth conversation about your options.
I had a Nesika Bay with a 1.350 barrel, shot it a grand total of 7 shots in fifteen years. My arthritic hands could not handle that kind of weight. It is now getting a Palma contour barrel on it. Guessing it will make it much more useable for me.
Weight not an issue

For me the weight is not an issue. The places where it will be used will mean driving to an elevated position set up on bags and scour the terrain for vermin before driving to another spot. What length was your 1.35" barrel and did you need to counter balance the stock ?
just curious why not go to fly or LG type specs and be able to us it for both .The weights your talking seem to make the forend width irrelevent your going to be using a rest or resting on something any way?
just curious is all
me again,also i was of the understanding that aluminium had better vibration dampening qualities.but i aint no enjiner some someone more cleverermight be able to clear up this thought?
The barrel was 29.5 inches and in .300 Win. Mag., I did not counter balance the stock, the stock was a McMillan similar to a Rem. 40X stock, I wanted to shoot a deer at 1000 yds. and the rifle was impracticle for me to use. If I were 30 years younger it may have worked. I had bought the barrel sight unseen and it was supposed to be a 1.250 dia.