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Buyers Beware

1. Do not expect this site or its management to be responsible for, or get involved with, any problem(s) related to an advertised item on this site, or a purchase of such an item.

2. Be wary of purchasing anything advertised on this site without first talking to the seller.

3. Consider asking the seller to send you a unique picture of the item in which you’re interested, e.g., ask that something you specify (say, a quarter) be placed on the item and a picture taken and sent to you.

4. Consider asking the seller to send you a current utility bill, a copy of his/her driver’s license (with DOB redacted), or something to help verify the identity of the person with whom you’re dealing.

5. Consider asking the seller for a right-of-inspection period (with potential return shipping provisions specified).

Both Parties Beware

 If the transaction involves the transfer of a firearm both parties are responsible for assuring that the transaction complies with all applicable laws and regulations related to the transfer of firearms.

Below are some links that might help you, but they are not necessarily all-inclusive.  Be sure to research federal laws and regulations, and your state’s laws and regulations related to the transfer of firearms.

Safer Communities Act Fact Sheet

ATF- Best practices: Transfers of firearms by private sellers

How to transfer gun ownership state-to-state guidelines

Quick reference to federal firearm laws