Buyers Beware
1. Do not expect this site or its management to be responsible for, or get involved with, any problem(s) related to an advertised item on this site, or a purchase of such an item.
2. Be wary of purchasing anything advertised on this site without first talking to the seller.
3. Consider asking the seller to send you a unique picture of the item in which you’re interested, e.g., ask that something you specify (say, a quarter) be placed on the item and a picture taken and sent to you.
4. Consider asking the seller to send you a current utility bill, a copy of his/her driver’s license (with DOB redacted), or something to help verify the identity of the person with whom you’re dealing.
5. Consider asking the seller for a right-of-inspection period (with potential return shipping provisions specified).
Both Parties Beware
If the transaction involves the transfer of a firearm both parties are responsible for assuring that the transaction complies with all applicable laws and regulations related to the transfer of firearms.