Woman hit by stray bullet at Texas Motor Speedway

Bill Wynne

Active member
This is incredible!

Concho Bill

Woman hit by stray bullet at Texas Motor Speedway
05:06 PM CST on Monday, November 3, 2008

By DEBRA DENNIS / The Dallas Morning News
A stray bullet struck a woman in her camper Sunday morning at Texas Motor Speedway.

The .50-caliber bullet pierced the roof of Jill King Moss's RV, hit her arm and lodged in a wall.

The bullet's trajectory indicated that it came from a long distance away, Fort Worth police told WFAA-TV (Channel 8).

Her husband, Melvin Moss, said Monday that his wife was in good condition at Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital.

"She will not lose her arm. Her spirits are up. She has a lengthy recovery," he said.

"A few inches one way or the other and she wouldn't be here with us."

The Arlington couple had parked their RV at the speedway for this weekend's NASCAR Sprint Cup Dickies 500 and had planned to go autograph hunting when the bullet came flying in.

He characterized wheover fired it as "a lunatic with a high-powered, .50-caliber weapon."

"Whoever fired this has activated me for life," he said. "I'm a Second Amendment guy, but there is a limit."

Is there an ongoing investigation? Any clues on where it came from? Local range maybe? Surely not a sniper or anything like the beltway deal?
Is there an ongoing investigation? Any clues on where it came from? Local range maybe? Surely not a sniper or anything like the beltway deal?

From what I heard last night on the WFAA TV, Dallas, is that there is a range about 3 miles in the right direction. They showed a bullet and it looked to be one that was turned. If it was an accident, you can be sure they will catch the guy. There are not that many of these things out there and people know when you fire one of them.

This does not sound like a very responsible gun owner. I believe that the person should come forward and help solve this mystery and apologize to the lady and her family.

Concho Bill
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. 50 b.m.g. R.i.p.

What a damned pity for all concerned :(
+P ammo for shiny new gun controller :(
50 caliber, eh

I had a friend who reloaded a 50 caliber. There were only 20 precision machined bullets in that box of bullets. There also was small piece of paper. It said "make sure you have at least 22 feet of back stop when firing these bullets".

There is a range near TMS (will not post the name because he might not have been there) but when you shoot it is to the North and the TMS is due south so----either the IDIOT did it intentionally or hell who knows! Those big boys have quite the muzzle blast and are heavy so an accidental discharge has me puzzled a little bit.

Need more detail which will be coming out in the future.
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stray bullet

nascar's web site has info ... sorry i cannot post link info.
Dallas news said a guy cam forward. Said he was 5 miles away shooting into a berm. With the trajectory it had, he shot over the berm. Said he was shooting a bolt action Vulcan.
Ricochets ???

I would think any of the long distance crowd will be shooting at a relatively shallow angle. If the bullet's construction is rugged, and with a turned bullet it would be, hitting the ground at a shallow angle could result in a ricochet. It is my guess that this is what happened here. For any of us shooting long distance, where we can be sure of the bullet hitting the back stop, bullets that come apart easily are a bunch safer to shoot. All relative, at many ranges with the .22 rimfire, you hear the bullet take off from time to time. Something to keep in mind.
Here is the story. An honest man, a target shooter just like us came forward and admitted that he was shooting a 50 Cal at a range during that time. These are the things that will get our ranges closed. It won't matter that we are careful if one person is not careful enough and someone gets hurt.

Concho Bill

By DAN X. McGRAW / The Dallas Morning News
Fort Worth police are investigating reports from a 49-year-old Benbrook man who says he may be responsible for the stray bullet that hit an Arlington woman Sunday morning at Texas Motor Speedway.

Kennith Jaramillo contacted Fort Worth police on Monday after hearing that Jill King Moss, 62, was hit in her arm by a .50-caliber bullet that pierced the roof of her RV, authorities said. Ms. Moss was taken to Harris Methodist Hospital and is expected to recover from her injuries.

Given the bullet’s trajectory, Fort Worth police investigators believe the bullet came from a long distance away.

Mr. Jaramillo told police he was target shooting five miles away from Texas Motor Speedway between 10 and 11 a.m, said Lt. Paul Henderson, a Fort Worth police spokesman. Mr. Jaramillo fired five or six rounds at a berm, a mound of dirt, with his .50-caliber Vulcan single shot rifle.

Fort Worth police confiscated his weapon for ballistics tests. If tests confirm the bullet was fired from his weapon, Mr. Jaramillo could be charged with deadly conduct for recklessly firing a weapon, Lt. Henderson said.

Mr. Jaramillo has not been arrested or charged in the incident.
Several years ago............

............the Olympic designed, public access, BLM operated Ben Avery range, outside of Phoenix, AZ, outlawed the use of .50 cal Brng on their standard centerfire range setups due to over-penetration/redirection from the earthen burms that resulted in projectiles to periodically skip over an appx. 750 foot mountain backstop and impact on residentials on the other side, miles away.

I never heard of any injuries, but I was under the impression that the BLM took this matter very seriously.

I dont know if this matter ever got resolved, but I do know that there were alot of locals that wanted to use the 1,000 yard facility for shooting their .50 cal Brngs.

Funny what a 650 grain solid will do at 2500 fps, alot different than your 200 grain standard big .30 calibers................Don
rancher shot the bullet

the rancher has come forward from what i understand,he was target shooting on his ranch from 5 miles away and he stated he may have put one over the berm. he has since contacted the couple and they have no hard feelings,however the husband who is pro gun is now starting a campaign to ban 50 cals in tx. i had just heard this through the grapevine as well . tim in tx
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You'll hate it, but this is the 'problem' with 50cals;

- They are going to be banned for civilian use. It's just a matter of what goes with them..
- They could ambiguously be categorized as 'LONG RANGE' weapons as easily as 'DESTRUCTIVE' devices
- Their civilian use is nearly impossible to justify given precedence already set with laws pertaining to sawed off shotguns, machine guns, and other destructive devices
- If painted as a threat to national security(following any level of assassination attempt), the 50cal limelight will likely reflect off other long guns as well.
Like 1Kyd BR guns, 'sniper' weapons, etc...

Allowing 50cals to date merely amounts to our government giving us rope to hang ourselves with. Afterall, there is always a rational point -that we will cross, if left to do so on our own.

This event won't hurt us in itself.
I'm glad the shooter came forward, and hope this all blows on past him.
But it probably won't be forgotten
Rifle ranges must protect the neighbors.

You'll hate it, but this is the 'problem' with 50cals;

- They are going to be banned for civilian use. It's just a matter of what goes with them..

This should be a wake up call to all shooters who can think and reason. If we shoot on a range, the bullets must never leave our ranges. Clubs may need to make hard decisions concerning berms and the type of ammo that is allowed to be used on the range. There is no rule saying you cannot shoot cannons at most of our ranges. Maybe there shouldn't be. We never thought anyone would bring one to the range. How about machine guns with full patch bullets fired at tin cans. Where do the bullets go?

If you question what we should do, ask any mother.

Concho Bill
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50 bmg

Its a shame many think the way they do about the 50bmg.It is one of the safest rounds ever invented and has never killed a civilian in non-war times in the US.
For a gun with its safety record to get the bad rap its getting you have to wonder how the 22 long rifle ever made it this far.
Even the violence policy center the biggest enemy of the 50 bmg has nothing on it except to say a crime was committed and the perpetrator owned a 50 or had one in his trunk but it was never used to actually comit the crime in question.
Idiots Among Us

The 2d amendment guarantees our right to keep and bear arms. Sometimes I wish they would have inserted a caveat that would exclude total idiots.

True, the 50 BMG has not accounted for civilian deaths. But,that is simply because of the very few numbers. There is no weapon that is chambered for it that can be concealed. By it's very nature, it does not lend it's self to criminal activity, such as robberies, drive by shootings, etc.

But, it does poccess the power to inflict severe damage at very long distances. All it takes is one careless shooter to put a 700 grn bullet over a burm to reek havoc, as the case at Texas Motor Speedway shows.

This might be one case where the shooting community could use some common sense and go along with restrictions against the 50 BMG. I know it could be a slippery slope. After all, a 338 Ultra Mag loaded with a bullet with a BC in the 600+ range isn't that far behind. Put one of those over a burm, and it also has the potential for destruction at a considerable distance.

The old Baytown Gun Club was shut down about 5 years ago because some total morons went out and lined bottles atop the burm, and commenced to bang away. The resulting bullet holes in a Home Depot Store over a mile behind the burm resulted in the shutting down of the range.

As they say. Ignorance can be cuured. But stupidity. It last a lifetime.

Todays political mine field must be transversed very carefully. I am sure the NRA is on top of this......jackie