With Sadness in My Heart; Denny Andrews


idaho bruce

I have been reluctant to report that my brother, mentor, and best friend Denny Andrews is so very ill and not expected to be with us much longer, hoping that he would somehow regain his health. He suffered a fall approx. 5 months ago and broke his pelvis which resulted in having some blood and fluid on his brain from what we believe was a result of hitting his head during the fall. He was in a nursing home for some months and just continued to go down hill and is now at his home in Clarkston, WA with his loving wife Charmain. His condition at this time as reported by his Doctor and hospice nurse is he has anywhere from 24 to 96 hours left. (This is his Doctors and her best guess and by no means is the end.) I have been reluctant in telling the benchrest community this news hoping for that miracle to happen but I feel it is finally time to tell all his many friends this news. Denny has given so much to our sport being a past National President, Northwest District Director, World Champion, etc......I could go on and on. He lived and gave so much to the sport of benchrest. I still hold hope of that miracle and would ask all of you too also. I would ask that you not call his home out of respect for his wife Charmain during this trying time. Please keep Denny and his wife in your hopes and prayers as I am.
I can be contacted at bruce@featherrods.com to give up dates if so desired.
Terrible news indeed and my thoughts and prayers are with Denny and his family. My dad and Denny were close when he lived on the east coast in the 80's and 90's. He's a gentleman in every sense and one of the nicest people you ever want to meet. Again, prayers sent.

I’m so sorry to hear this Bruce. From previous reports I thought he was on the mends. My thoughts are with Denny, you, and all the family.

Bruce,.... I am very sorry indeed......... This exact situation happened to a friend of mine....... terrible......... Life is so precious and we are all just a fall away from being in the same boat...........
Awww Shucks..... no more funny anti-PC jokes and pix in my email box......

Please give Charmain a hug

sad news indeed

Bruce, this is terrible news. I met up with Denny all over the west and mid-west over the years at matches and always enjoyed my time with him. There has been way too much sad news coming from the sport and this unfortunately continues that trend. Will say a prayer for Denny and you and family and thanks for passing on the news. I know that was hard on you too.

Take care bud - Scott
Denny, I do not know your Brother personally, but I have lost a Brother, and I can attest to your sorrow.

Time does heal the hurt you feel now, but it will never diminish your love for your Brother.

I am beside myself after reading this.
Denny, his family and you and your family are in my prays.
If you need anything at all you know how to reach me.
