Winds of Manatee results -- Saturday


Dwight St. Romain
Typical Manatee conditions ranging from good to blowing hard and switchy

Total 38 shooters

LV 100

1. George Kelbly Sr. .1790
2. Johnnie Stewart .2532
3. David Reynolds .2550
4. Tony Boyer .2578
5. Ray Porter .2578
6. Steve Huff
7. Fred Woolverton Jr.
8. Billy Stevens
9 Bill von MInden
10. Laurie Copp (lady shooters first match!)

Small Group George Kelbly Sr. .115

HV 100

1. Tony Boyer .2472
2. Davie Reynolds .2488
3. Ray Porter .2548
4. Billy Stevens .2570
5. Andy Shifflet .2686
6. Jim Andress
7. Jeff Graves
8. Manny Garcia
9. George Kelbly Sr.
10. Lou Murdica

Small Group Andy Shifflet .095

Two Gun

1. George Kelbly Sr. .2331
2. David Reynolds .2519
3. Tony Boyer .2525
4. Ray Porter .2563
5. Billy Stevens .2625
6. Jim Andress .2760
7. Andy Shifflet .2812
8. Bill von Minden .2825
9. Jeff Graves .2956
10. Laurie Copp .2968
Way to go DAD, I guess that teddy bear I gave you to put under your pillow really did work. Good shooting, keep it up.
Love your Son:D
Congratulations George, a .075 lead in the lv 100 is flat out remarkable!
WOM 09 Results

Here are the 4 match results for this weekends match. Will post another reply with Grands and 2 Gun.WOM 09 HV100.jpg

WOM 09 HV200.jpg

WOM 09 LV100.jpg

WOM 09 LV200.jpg
WOM 09 Results Page 2

Attached are the Grands and the 2 Gun results. Thanks to all who attended, hope you had a good time.

WOM 09 HV Grand.jpg

WOM 09 LV Grand.jpg

WOM 09 2 Gun.jpg
got home at last

thanks butch. just a great run match. buddy kept us moveing and is a true diplomat too. thanks. kudos to larry too.
lou had on an eskimo parka most of the time- dont see how he shot so well all bundled up.
now on to all my projects. ray