Willow River Musings


New member
We wrapped up another successful season of IR50 and ARA at Willow River Rod & Gun yesterday. First I must congratulate Louise Wickstrom on her 3 gun 750 Agg Sunday, her SECOND time in 2012!!! A pleasure to see and more fun to score! She also shot 250's in every 10.5# class SOTY match this year. I'm blessed with having some easy targets to score around here! Yesterdays ARA happened to be one of the toughest conditions I have ever seen at WR, 30mph winds around the area, and down in the trees nothing but strong and nasty instantaneous switches. We are all well aware the range has a great reputation for reasonable conditions and big scores (Fred and Lou recently turned in 100 250 pins to me for 10 of the new 2500 pins). Yesterday was a challenge but the crew dug deep and watched flags with "flagging patience" and serval times we sent Sherlock Holmes out on the case of the missing Dot. Congrats to Doug Bell last night for persevering and the win in the wind. Given the layout of the range, we seldom deal with high wind velocity, but do often deal with tight switches and down drafts.

Through the course of the year we have about 20 different shooters make appearances and a core group of about 12. I'd like to openly thank them all for coming and contributing to our sport and our club. We are truly blessed with a bunch of great people to compete and converse with. I truly enjoy the people of these games as much as the games themselves. I'd also like to give special note and thanks to few key people that help make my life as Match Director much much easier. Louise Wickstrom is a a top notch shooter as we all know and can hold her own at any venue. I have known her many years now and I must say she is tireless and selfless when it comes to helping at matches. Louise is always first to pull out target backers and help set up to keep things moving along, and for that I am extremely thankful. Her husband and fellow stout competitor Fred Wickstrom is also right there helping and lending a hand and making my life easier in running these events. I would also like to thank Doug Bell for his help in target repair, mowing the range when he can, and having every tool, battery, accessory and shooting aid known to man available and ready to lend out to his fellow shooters. Our entire group is an amazing set of talented and hard working people and I am very proud to know them and shoot with them!!

On a side note, several of us have offered to pitch in and buy Fred and Lou golf clubs per chance they may take up a new hobby in the interest of the rest of us..... no dice... so I guess we better just dig a little deeper!!

Brian Headlee
President / Match Director
Willow River Rod & Gun Club

And thanks for all your work Brian. I look forward to shooting at Willow River, as well as Gopher Campfire, and ounce a year at Pontiac. It's a tough crowd but all great people.
Thanks Brian... you guys run great matches! I can't imagine tougher competition but at the same time everyone is very helpful for a beginner like myself.

Here's a video I took from last weekend during the IR match. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71Ga7rMbCLo&feature=g-upl

PS... Lemme know if you want some help with those clubs!
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Brian.........Thanks for the great times, we all had this summer shooting ARA and IR5050 at the New Richmond Wi. club. It is sad to know that the season is over. I will contribute what ever it takes to get Lou and Fred into golf, or anything else for that matter. They are a real (pain) tough couple to compete against. Thanks Evan for the video. Just too bad you did not get a shot of everything on my bench, so the newbies could get a better idea of what is needed on their bench while shooting a match. DJB
Thanks Evan for the video. Just too bad you did not get a shot of everything on my bench, so the newbies could get a better idea of what is needed on their bench while shooting a match. DJB

You're welcome!

Well actually...
