Wilibur...Forum Suggestion

Dave S

NRA Benefactor Member

I know that this suggestion will probably go over like a lead balloon, but, why doesn't this forum require everyone who registers, to use their own name... I am not ashamed to use mine.

This would eliminate a lot of the negative posts by people that are "keyboard" forum pot stirrers. Post under your own name and let people see who you are and what you have to say... Don't hide behind some ficticious name...

Just a suggestion.....

An added advantage is that you could check their history to vet their advice against their shooting record.
I agree 100%, probably difficult to get the toothpaste back in the tube though.


I know that this suggestion will probably go over like a lead balloon, but, why doesn't this forum require everyone who registers, to use their own name... I am not ashamed to use mine.

This would eliminate a lot of the negative posts by people that are "keyboard" forum pot stirrers. Post under your own name and let people see who you are and what you have to say... Don't hide behind some ficticious name...

Just a suggestion.....


I agree 100%, probably difficult to get the toothpaste back in the tube though.
Is there a way to change your name here? I went into my profile but see no way to change my name.
Dale Bakken
Dave & all,

Using real names sounds good and would be good but there's a problem that can't be overcome. I'm not opposed at all to the suggestion but here's the problem:

What is a "real name"? Jim Smith, Bill Madison...??

I'm appealing to your intelligence with that question, and using what you know about the internet and forums let your mind run with it for a moment. I can create an account using Jim Smith as an ID and create a hotmail account with a matching address - jsmith8182@hotmail.com to verify it. Just too many "end runs" around such a policy for it to be effective.
Human nature is what it is, the nature of forums is that, unfortunately they draw trolls. Bill Myers uaed to call'em "keyboard shooters".
Yes Wilbur I'll change mine when you do. Maybe others will to. Thanks
I appreciate the position, but the internet is the last place that I want to advertise that I have a cache of firearms. While I am happy to introduce myself face to face, my security and safety is foremost.

Google is a scarey thing.
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I appreciate the position, but the internet is the last place that I want to advertise that I have a cache of firearms. While I am happy to introduce myself face to face, my security and safety is foremost.

Google is a scarey thing.

My thinking, too.
I'm not advocating putting you bank account number up here. Just your name, like all the shooting association have in their ranking and results pages or the phone books have...all on line...
To me the whole internet is a scarey thing.............At home it's a lot of Good locks, insurance, and some BIG dog's. ( and ofcourse the loaded gun's close at hand) I guess there is really no hideing anymore. I have asked Wilbur to include my real name with my profile, what the hell? I allways sign my post's and replys, and ya'll can see MY bad scores anytime ya want to. Thanx. Ed Longo.
To me the whole internet is a scarey thing.............At home it's a lot of Good locks, insurance, and some BIG dog's. ( and ofcourse the loaded gun's close at hand) I guess there is really no hideing anymore. I have asked Wilbur to include my real name with my profile, what the hell? I allways sign my post's and replys, and ya'll can see MY bad scores anytime ya want to. Thanx. Ed Longo.

Ed - are you saying that you want your login ID changed from Team Windsor to Ed Longo?
Thanx Wilbur: No, if you can, add Ed Longo below Team Windsor, Id hate to lose my "Fan base" LOL!!!!!
Threw me a curve ball there - I'll try.... .... OK, How's that?
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When I got my first PC, years ago, BR Central was the first Forum I joined. Back then most everyone had a moniker, like the Cowboy Action Shooters, but most of us knew who the others were. So, I did the same. Since then, I've joined other guns 'n shooting forums and have used my real name. I've received the same amount of disrespect, either way. I'm surprised that there are still guys who have a problem with monikers. It's no big deal and there are far more important things to worry about.

Monikers can help to temper posts, sorta. Some time back, on another forum, a shooter with a moniker posted some thoughts on shooting and was immediately jumped upon by another member. After we advised "other member" that he was critisizing a world class shooter, and the previous year's US Champion, he completely changed his attitude and became much more civil towards everyone.

If you don't know who you are talking to, you have to be careful. He may be bigger than you and he'll most likely be armed when you should happen to meet in person. :eek:


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I'm not advocating putting you bank account number up here. Just your name, like all the shooting association have in their ranking and results pages or the phone books have...all on line...

Well, in actuality, my real name is on here and in plain sight....at least as much as Dave's "DaveS" is. It's just camoflaged.

PM me, and you'll get an explanation......

I still am worried about internet 'trolls' who never register, but lurk. They can read about your specific guns; whether or not you'll be taking some of those to a given match or tournament in a given place, on given dates, etc (in some posts, we inadvertently often say "I'll be there").

If your vehicle (with guns & equipment on board) is parked at a motel or restaurant in the case where ranges have matches on both Sat & Sun...... these guys will find it, if they do a little "work". There's already enough of that going on, w/o giving them even more info to work with. JMHO
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