
DJB in Wi

New member
We have been shooting IR50/50 at the Holmen, Wi. gun club and have shot a total of 4 matches to date. So far the only match results you have posted are from the 5-23-09 match. We are still waiting for the 6-27,7-11 and 8-8 match reports. Please do an update ASAP. Thanks. DJB in Wi.
And while you're at it, how about the results from the Minnetonka match of 7-26 and the Minnesota State shoot of 8-1-and 8-2. I don't like to bring this up here, but my e-mails haven't been answered.
It would help if you listed an email and then I could answer your questions rather then using the forum.
The 4/25 & 5/23 results have been on the website since July 20th.
I have not received the 6-27,7-11 and 8-8 match Results yet. You might check to see if they were ever emailed to Wilbur?

The only results I have received so far for Minnetonka are 5/31, 6/28 & 8/9
I have not received the MN State match on 8/1 & 8/2 but I did receive Gopher’s 8/15 results. Are you sure state results were emailed?

If you can find the missing results just email them to me and I will see that they are in the next database update.
It would help a lot to give your names when making a post along with an email address in your profile.
Hi Doug,

While we are taking about missing results the June 27 & July 25 Pinnacle Mountain NH results a among the missing.

Thanks, Al

It would help if you listed an email and then I could answer your questions rather then using the forum.
The 4/25 & 5/23 results have been on the website since July 20th.
I have not received the 6-27,7-11 and 8-8 match Results yet. You might check to see if they were ever emailed to Wilbur?

If you can find the missing results just email them to me and I will see that they are in the next database update.
It would help a lot to give your names when making a post along with an email address in your profile.

...I used the forum because the Holmen match director told us that Wilbur was emailed and called about macth results, targets, and no pins, without any response, and he no longer was going to try to get in touch with Wilbur, so this was another way of trying to communicate with Wilbur. Next time I will Email you Doug. Didn't mean to ruffle any feathers. DJB in Wi.
Seems like we have this disscusion every time someone tries to get their results posted. If you don't care if your results get posted or not, that's fine, but IR50/50 is a national sanctioning body that collects a fee for each and every target you shoot. It exists for the purpose of competition. It has a score line for each class, "The List", and a few other features that are all forms of competition. If all you want to do is have a good time shooting with your friends that's great. I think that's a big part of it for everyone. But don't rip someone for wanting to know how they're doing against everyone around the country. Why pay match fees if all you want to do is shoot with your buddies? And the remark about complaining if your scores aren't posted in three days is a little off. In the case at the start of this tread it's been 3 MONTHS, not days. That's a long time to be ignored. Pardon my rant here, but I get a little tired of people getting blasted when all they want is what they pay for and a little FRIENDLY competition.
This has all been very interesting, however, the most recent match posted was on 2 Aug -- more than 3 weeks ago! Bob

Seems like we have this disscusion every time someone tries to get their results posted. If you don't care if your results get posted or not, that's fine, but IR50/50 is a national sanctioning body that collects a fee for each and every target you shoot. It exists for the purpose of competition. It has a score line for each class, "The List", and a few other features that are all forms of competition. If all you want to do is have a good time shooting with your friends that's great. I think that's a big part of it for everyone. But don't rip someone for wanting to know how they're doing against everyone around the country. Why pay match fees if all you want to do is shoot with your buddies? And the remark about complaining if your scores aren't posted in three days is a little off. In the case at the start of this tread it's been 3 MONTHS, not days. That's a long time to be ignored. Pardon my rant here, but I get a little tired of people getting blasted when all they want is what they pay for and a little FRIENDLY competition.

Bohunk I agree with you 100%. Here in the Midwest there are 3 states talking seriously of going to RBA. The Match Directors say the same thing in that when they ask RBA for any of the supplies they are mailed immediately and they always followup with any questions. The results are usually posted in 2-3 days.That is not the case with IR50/50. I shoot at Chief City Shooters Club and we have not recieved our 250 pins nor the SOTY pins for last year. Wilbur has been contacted!! At Tremont the Match Director has been giving out his own pins that he has won thru the years because Wilbur never sends them even though they have been ordered. The Match Directors are getting tirid of having to dance the "Wilbur Two-step." Everything I have heard about Wilbur is that he's a very nice guy and I'm sure thats true. Having been in business all my life I have known a lot of nice guy's that just cannot get organized and follow thru on responsibilities. I feel this may be the problem here.
It is a shame things are going this way and I hope IR50/50 doesn't die out in this area, because most people enjoy shooting it. But I do know a lot of people are getting discouraged with the way its going.
Bohunk I'm coming up to your Wis. State shoot this weekend. If we had some results I could see what I'm in for. You have some of real tough shooters up there that have that nasty habit of wanting to win. I look forward to talking with you.
When we shoot at $2/target (USBR( we have a good time. Always have a nice lunch and plenty of time for 'discussions', before, during and after shooting if you so like. I can shoot up to 8 or more so targets per match depending on my get out of bed time and my desire to do so.

Scores are posted within a few days. Joe Haller does a wonderful job.
Contact Info

Wilbur Harris 172 Lakeview Dr. , Spring City, TN 37381

Just for your information:

If you ever need to contact Wilbur about USRA-IR50/50 you can get him at this phone number. The E-mail address is what you use to send scores in to him. This is the posted contact information on the 50/50 site.

Using this site to personally attack anybody just has a bad taste. Wilbur will never delete your thread running him down because he has principles. Therefore, Wilbur is the only man who can be personally attacked on this site. That is not fair but it the way it is.

Bill Wynne
Formerly Concho Bill
You need to send the scores to this E Mail....Wilbur <wilburh@spamarrest.com>
I believe you have to register the first time you use it.
1 holer, looking forward to meeting you and thank you in advance for making the trip up to Willow River for the WI State match. I talked to Bob Clark in IA Sunday night and he is trying to get together some of the IA crowd to come also.

I don't think anyone is running Wilbur down here, they are just asking to see some results. The matches are much more lively when the shooters know how they stack up, it makes it more fun for a lot of people. Most of us really enjoy shooting no matter the format, but most of also are in this because we have a competitive spirit. Without results, that competitve spirit is left hungry.

I won't complain, but I am dying to see final MN State results from July and how they affect my list standing. I have also shot Holmen this year and did well so I would like to see that added in. In the meantime I am just doing my thing and trying to be patient.

C Yall at WI State tomorrow.