Wilbur survives a 5-bypass open heart surgery by the grace of God!


Staff member
Hi Hunter!

I'm happy to report my dear old dad, Wilbur, successfully received a total of five bypasses during his scheduled open heart surgery this morning. It was scheduled for a triple bypass, but they ended up doing five.


He's doing great.

All glory, thanks, and praise go to God for his obvious hand in this situation.

The surgery was on Monday, he left ICU for his own room yesterday, and his cardio physical therapist said the fact he was able to walk to laps around the halls was "exceptional" for anyone this close to the surgery, must less someone of his age.

We could be taking him home late tomorrow or Saturday.

Thanks again for checking on him, and if he continues on this trajectory, he'll be providing the next update his self.

God is good!

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It was scheduled for a triple bypass, but they ended up doing five.

With all that improved blood flow, I predict Wilbur will be back shootin' before long -- probably in time to win the last Super Shoot at Kelbly's. You heard it here first.
The doctor said taking my targets down range or me would be good therapy, Wilbur. I’m only thinking of you.
Keep on improving, Wilbur.We need you.
Glad you're doing so well, Wilbur. Not surprised that a benchrest guy would do things in fives.
We need to see the backer to make sure there is five shots on the target.

Get well Wilbur. We need you around here.

Hope you get well soon and may the Lord continue to watch over you. Love reading your wisdom on this forum.
John VM
Thanks Elmer and happy to hear Wilbur is doing well. I had bypass surgery a couple of years ago (only 4 bypasses in my case) and that new plumbing really helps!