Murphy speaking in general terms, Fine X works great on target shooting and Pdogs, to coyotes in the open, and good light, The target dot would be just about the same except that at 200 yards and beyond it will tend to cover more of the target which will make it a little more difficult to group. Heavy cross is the more acceptable reticle here for shooting antelopes and deer in brush or low light as you can see them alot better in those conditions. Other than that its all up to preference. I have all 3. My target/Pdog rifle is a Nikon with target turrets and Fine X, My coyote and general vermin rifle has Target turrets and a 1/8 dot. My deer and antelope rifle I use a heavy X. They all do the job very well, and were chosen for the purpose the rifles were intended for. Again its all up to the individual.
Good luck, Enjoy your new Swift, I sure do enjoy mine.
And Sorry you live in a place where the restrictions on gun ownership are so heavy.