BTW, the other t'read's being phish'd, HARD..... may affect yours
well the good news is someone heard i was looking for a rail, and another shooter called and asked that someone if he knew anyone looking for a rail!!!
bingo and i am a rail owner..not here yet. j young in blue kelbly action jewel trigger, no scope..i have a few scopes!....may start with a rechamber to match my 6ppc
the next guy shooting off the bench with a rest!We didn't have to worry about this when we could sledge hammer the spiked feet into a concrete top but somewhere along the line clubs got all sensitive about divots in their concrete bench tops. Kelbly's never seemed to care.( it's just concrete, who cares ?)
You'll likely get all kinds of answers as far as torch on your block screws. I've had guys tell me to tighten the piss out of them and other say 40-50 ftlbs. But you need to go in a off set pattern when tighting. Like 1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10 and keep repeating that process til tight to the the desired torque. As far as lube goes PMA sells rain gun lube for your guides. It's super slick and takes just a drop. Having a rail gun will damn sure teach you how to read wind flagsok two beginner questions
the bbl clamp has 10 bolts, bbl inserts look like black delrin, 1.35 dia bbl
how much torque on the bolts? ( i ask as there was next to none when i took it apart)
what lubricant do i use on the sliding parts/points ?