where r today's ss results

this is a benchrest forum aint it

Yes, but I've come to find out that 80% of the folks who post here are not competitive shooters and of the 20% left who are, 15% are score shooters. So it might take awhile to hear from our 5%.:(
Was that the Supper Shoot ?

What's on the menu ?

Guys who shot at Kelbly's today are all busy eating Suppah at this point if they are not still setting flags.
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I heard Gregg Reed finished 3rd, congrats Gregg. Andy Shiflett(sp) is in the mix near the top today and that Bart is in the running with a decent finish for both days. Sorry I didn't write down the top five results, I was half asleep when Jeff Summers called.
Thank You Jeff.
310 shooters, a good turnout

Dan Honert
I am a new guy.
Just got in. Staying in Akron.
And setting up flags.
Long day......
Forgot the list. :eek:
So Dick has better info.
Weather Sunny and Hot.

Also most shooters stay at the range. No wireless internet there.:eek:

Tim B.
Was that the Supper Shoot ?

What's on the menu ?

Guys who shot at Kelbly's today are all busy eating Suppah at this point if they are not still setting flags.

Well that is two days of the Supper Shoot. Tomorrow they are moving the Hormel chili(12oz)cans out to 200 yd! I wonder if the upc code works for mirage.
Stecker posted a BLOG Report

Report from Eric Stecker (Berger Bullets) on first two days of Super-Shoot is at this link:


Hachigan Tops 100-Yard LV Field
Wednesday greeted shooters with 45° temperatures which quickly warmed in Sunny Ohio to the mid 80s. Winds were present and shifty as they tend to be but not too much to be unpleasant but definitely enough to give most shooters fits. The folks listed below handled these winds and their rifle well and are the top five for the Light Varmint 100-yard stage. The record for the Light Varmint 100-yard Agg was set in 1999 by Bill Forrester at .1706. Bill’s record was safe but the 5-shot small group record of .046 set by Mike Walker in 1994 was seriously threatened by Bill Goad with a small group for the day of .048.

1. Lee Hachigan – .2094 agg
2. Dave Coots – .2154 agg
3. Andy Shifflett – .2194 agg
4. Milt Craven – .2264 agg
5. Larry Scharhorst – .2278 agg

Bukys Edges Boyer in HV 100
Conditions on Thursday for the Heavy Varmint 100-yard stage was much the same as Wednesday with a low in the morning of 47° which warmed up to the high 80s. Winds were also similar with tricky gusts and changes but nothing so strong that stuff was blowing off the benches. The top five after the Heavy Varmint 100-yard stage are below. Larry Kopper definitely shot well but finishing the 5th match with a small group for the day of .083 certainly helped push him into the top five. (The HV record is .062 by Hobbie Bonds.)

1. Gene Bukys – .2020 agg
2. Tony Boyer – .2148 agg
3. Greg Reed – .2158 agg
4. Bob Hammond – .2210 agg
5. Larry Kopper – .2282 agg
Well that is two days of the Supper Shoot. Tomorrow they are moving the Hormel chili(12oz)cans out to 200 yd! I wonder if the upc code works for mirage.

IF you could see a UPC code, it would have helped a lot.
"The mirage was great. Skip the wind flags."
I was saying that all day. Mostly to myself.
When I did listen. I had my best group. .4something. But, that was the warm up match. Don't count.

# 5 back to basics and mirage. What do I have left.
First 4 were really small. I had to count my brass. To make sure. Whoops 1 short.:eek:
The pick up made it a .78something.:mad: Wow was that big.:mad: