WHERE is Spring??????


Club Coordinator
Talk about a LONG, SNOWY, Canadian Winter. The melt has NOT EVEN started here in Manitoba. First match of the year is the first weekend of May. Something tells me there will be plenty of snow on the ground. This is the most snow we have had in the city in years.

I was advised by friends who returned home from 3 months in Phoenix that they never hit any amount of the white stuff until they hit I-94 in ND.

Batten down the hatches. I will be surprised if we do not see major flooding in Manitoba and ND.................... :-(

I'm pleased to tell you that Spring is alive and well and currently residing in Middle Tennessee. It's in the mid-70's, the early trees are blooming and the 1st Purple Martins checked out their summer home in my front yard yesterday. Sorry about rubbing it in.......well not really :)

Spring IS here. Was almost 90 last week and will be again later this week. Only in the upper 70's today. Supposed to be upper 80s tomorrow. So what do you think Cy, sounds like spring to me Eh?
Don't feel too bad about spring not arriving on the Canadian plains, it's having a hard time in So Central Montana too but not as bad as southern Wyoming and Northern Colorado though. I was hoping to get to the range before the wife gets a new hip, but the way things look that might not happen.